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HAZCHEM IN SPAIN • Opening hours of the La Junquera customs office (Spain) for dangerous goods have been extended to 24 hours a day for vehicles using the red slip system from......
For Whom The French Tolls • Uta, The Fuel Credit
card company is operating a scheme providing credit and discounts for French motorway tolls. Contact UTA for details on (0959) 63994.......
CONTAINERBASE EXPANDS • Containerbase in Stourton, South Yorkshire, has extended its customs bonded warehousing service with a new storage warehouse. Situated at junction 43 on......
ABROAD WITH THE FTA • 'Ile Freight Transport Association is organising a course for drivers and managers operating vehicles abroad. "Operating goods vehicles abroad is a course......
Road News
M6 BYPASS REOPENS • The Preston 1416 by pass has re-opened 38 days ahead of schedule. The motorway was previously closed for resurfacing work between junctions 29 and 31.......
A5092 To Be Shut For A Month • The A5092
near Greenodd in the Lake District is to close for one month from 16 June so that a temporary bridge can be built over the old stone arch bridge at Crake River. The bridge's......
Mom Underpass For • Illingdon • A £10 Million Contract
to make the A40 Western Avenue into an underpass at Swakeleys Road, Hillingdon has been awarded to Costain. Work will last 85 weeks.......
Resurfacing At Ivialwood Hill • Traffic Will Be Reduced To
one lane in each direction on the A31 at Malwood Hill in Hampshire, for the next five weeks. Westbound drivers approaching the worksite on the adjoining M27 will be diverted via......
M6 Gets Worse • Drivers Have Been Warned To Avoid
one of the busiest stretches of the M6, between junctions 6 and 7, where resurfacing repairs started last week. Traffic will be reduced to two lanes on each carriageway during......