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Czi Hat Do Iou Buy The Haulier Who Has Everything?
A 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 McLaren Fl roadster, perhaps. And what could you buy the mechanic who has everything? He's bound to appreciate an Fl tool kit, which is a snip at around £500. It......
Taking A Not So) Early Bath
0 he Hawk sends his best wishes to driver Donald Terry, who has just retired after 4-5 years of driving for Humberside haulier HL Thirsk. Donald (generally known as Dappy)......
A His Antiquated Notice Outside An Old, But Still...
garage in South East London is guaranteed to set feminists fizzing. Even assuming that bus companies had no need to employ women in days gone by, which seems unlikely, isn't it......
A Stop Sign That Means Business
0 am indebted to West Country driving instructor Steve Robertson for picturing this worrying sign, spotted on one of the Exeter test routes. Just what is Devon's Department of......
Death Where Is Thy Stingray?
A merican George Swanson couldn't bear to be A merican George Swanson couldn't bear to be parted from his beloved 1984 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray and wasn't about to let a......