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Malcolm's Fine Slashed
• Overloading fines of £1,600 unposed on Scots haulier WH Malcolm by Leyland nagistrates have been cut to £1,000 on appeal to Preston Crown Court. The Paisley-based company had......
Conditions For Old Folk
• Western Licensing Authority Major-General John Carpenter has granted a licence to Fastimport of Penzance, despite objections from the owner of a nearby old people's home. But......
Fine Quashed • A Z1,000 Fine Imposed On Prestonbased C
Mayor for overloading a 7.5-tormer has been quashed on appeal, but an appeal by driver David Cowley against his £200 fine was rejected. Both had pleaded guilty before Leyland......
Warned Over Tacho Charts
• Porthlevenbased Christopher Miners has been warned about permitting drivers' hours offences and failing to produce tachograph charts by Western Licensing Authority......