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Retirement At Ocean Transport
TOR ROBERTS will be retiring as finance controller of Ocean insport and Trading at the end of December. Mr Roberts joined ry in 1969, before the Ocean Transport takeover in......
Diary Dates
1E following events are hedu led for October. ) The Institute of Transport Iministration is holding its anal conference at the Grand tel in Manchester. 11 The Road Haulage......
Retiring Boffin
WINSTON LEWIS, the Transport and Road Research Laboratory's assistant director for nine years, has retired. He joined the TRRL in 1945, after helping with the building of the......
Tyre Chief
GERALD RADFORD is the new managing director of National Tyre Service, the Dunlop distribution subsidiary. He will succeed Brian Brown. Mr Radford is currently director......
WE RECORD with regret the death of Geoff Ward, managing director of the Ryland Vehicle ,Group's North West Section, a Seddon Atkinson distrubutor. :Mr Ward was well known in all......