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)r W. P. Mansfield, after 26 years with the ;ritish Internal Combustion Engine Research istitute, has expressed a desire to be alieved of day-to-day administration he has eld responstbility as director of research for learly half that period and wishes to devote tore time to technical matters. With the inanimous approval of the board this has been rranged to take effect from June 30. The uties of director of research will be assumed )intly by E. J. Nestorides, chief scientist, nd C. H. Thornycroft, chief engineer, who .oth become BICERI directors.
L. E. Higginson, divisional engineer, refuse isposal division. GLC, has been elected ational chairman of the Industrial Transport kssociatior by the national council and will Ike office at the June 27 agm; E. 0. Leverton nd J. Day were re-elected vice-chairmen; ord St Helen was re-elected hon president. /Irs J. E. Haslam and E. 0. Leverton have een elected Fellows of the ITA in recognition
I their services.
E S. Bevan has been elected chairman of the TA South Wales division; J. I. Plenty and 1. 0. J. Wynn are vice-chairmen ;J. E. Vickers ;secretary; J. I. Plentytreasurer.
.eonard John Newman, formerly general ales manager of the municipal division of ianger Engineering Ltd, previously Eagle :ngineering, has become the new general sales manager {municipal) of the Dennis Group of Guildford. Mr Newman was for several years a sales engineer for Clayton Dewandre of Lincoln.
G. E. Tonge, managing director of Hay's Wharf, has been appointed chairman of the National Association of Port Employers.
J. M. Williams takes up his appointment as first director of the National Materials Handling Centre on May 1.
Barry Hester, 29, has been appointed Highway Trailers (Great Britain) Ltd marketing executive for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex and Kent. Mr Hester joins Highway from Taskers Trailers Ltd, where he was an export sales executive. Jeffrey Williams, 44, since November 1969 assistant manag, ing director of HCB-Angus Ltd, has succeeded W. L. Thomas as managing director. Mr Thomas, who was m.d. for 13 years, remains on the board.
Charles Flees, for 16 years transport manager at Tube Products, a Tube Investments Ltd company, has been granted a Fellowship of the Industrial A Transport Association.
Ian H. Home and Leslie S. Procter have been appointed area representatives by Coachwork Conversions Ltd, of Colne and Stanbridge. R. W. Manger has been appointed sales manager for the Minicon service—the new door-to-door modular container distribution operation run by Collie° Ltd and National Carriers Ltd; Mr Manger is based at Collico headquarters.
G. Otte, A. Teague, D. Manners, D. Mayo.
R. Allen and W. Hollingsworth have been appointed branch managers by Globe and Simpson Ltd, the auto-electrical and diesel injection specialists.
T. C. Yoxall has been appointed distribution and transport manager of the soft drinks division of J. Lyons and Co Ltd. Mr Yoxall was formerly with the Nestle Co Ltd.
T. C. Bennett, who joined Atkinson Vehicles Ltd as a sales engineer in 1968, becoming distributor liaison manager six months later, has now been appointed general sales manager.
S. J. A. Speed, 47, has been appointed London Transport chief draughtsman (buses) in the department of the chief mechanical engineer, following the retirement of C. Giles. In recent years, Mr Speed has been particularly concerned with the design of one-manoperated buses.
Gerald Bacon is to take charge of the Bristol operations of NMT Industrial Storage Group which is based in SW London/Middx. and has taken over Bacon's Transport, of Keynsham. Mr Bacon remains a director. Andrew P. Williamson, formerly with James Kemp Leslie Ltd in Scotland, becomes director in charge of transport of NMT Industrial Storage.