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Driving Hours In Europe
• A compromise proposal on drivers' hours in international road transport was made last week at Geneva, at a meeting of the Council of the six Common Market countries with......
New From Star
• Since going to press with the article, page 79, on Alusuisse/Star aluminium tipper bodies, CM has been advised that the, Star Aluminium Co Ltd, Star Bridge Road, Bridgnorth,......
Duty Limit Confusion
• Nearly all the confusion and anomalies surrounding the new drivers' hours and record rules could be attributed to one fact— the 11-hour duty limit; this was stated by Mr G.......
New Books
Road transport law • Kitchin's long-established Road Transport Law has appeared for its 15th edition in a completely new guise. An attractive outer cover indicates the changes......
Distribution Management
• A new Gower Press handbook just published could qualify for the title of "The Compleat Distributor"; certainly it is difficult to think of any important aspect of the subject......
Big Book On Vehicle Bodies
• An English language version of Vehicle Body Engineering, by J. Pawlowski, is now available from the English publishers, Business Books Ltd, Mercury House, Waterloo Road,......