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3parshatt Introduces ;mall, Contract Bus
A new 20-22-seat bus, ideal for ucation, welfare, personnel, and other rms of contract operation, has been troduced by J. H. Sparshatt and Sons Ltd, trrfields Road, Portsmouth.......
Vledical Checks For He Over-50s
Medical checks for bus and coach ivers aged 50 and over are being troduced throughout Britain—under a law issed in 1934! This decision follows a inference of Traffic......
Minister Refuses Three Appeals
• Appeals against the granting of licences to other psv operators were dismissed by the Minister of Transport in written replies this week. The first was an appeal by the......
Pv0a Drivers' Hours Guide
• A 36 page booklet describing in simply understood language the new drivers' hours regulations as applying to psv drivers. was sent to its members by the Passenger Vehicle......
London Busmen's Pay Claim
• Pay negotiations between London Transport and the TGWU began on Tuesday and were continued again today when London's 27,000 busmen expect an answer to claims for an extra £4......