LTB garages as repair depots?
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• London's bus garages could be turned into "super repair depots" for all sorts of vehicles, says an article in the current issue of TGWU Record, journal of the Transport and General Workers' Union.
When the Greater London Council takes over London Transport, it is suggested, the garages could handle repairs for school buses, ambulances, fire engines and other council vehicles.
"There has been a steady downward trend during the past decade in the number of buses operated by the LTB," says Mr. Frank Cosgrove, union officer representing garage staff. "This has created within the garages a capacity for vehicles to be stored, cleaned and maintained.
"The capital equipment is available, also the space; it should be a viable commercial proposition for the Board and the union to utilize to the full the equipment and skilled manpower available."
The GLC take-over of London Transport opens up new possibilities, says Mr. Cosgrove.
"If one looks at the vast and varied fleet of vehicles owned and operated by the GLC, one can see many types of vehicles which could be serviced by inside staff.
:And why not other types of vehicles for which our people need no additional training leading to an increase in skills?"
The line of thought, he says, is pure supposition at this stage. But the possibilities exist and a large concern such as the GLC must be concerned with rationalizing its existing services, where possible.