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Ltb Garages As Repair Depots?
• London's bus garages could be turned into "super repair depots" for all sorts of vehicles, says an article in the current issue of TGWU Record, journal of the Transport and......
Business-minded Leicester Changes Bus Services
• "Any manufacturing firm or service which hopes to maintain its position in a competitive market must closely watch its field of operations with a view to making any necessary......
North East Strike Narrowly Averted
• A strike which would have crippled weekend bus services in five areas of the North East was narrowly averted after peace talks in Newcastle on Thursday of last week. The talks......
• Rises In Sbg • • • • Fares Delayed •
• The Scottish Traffic Commissioners • • have refused to approve all of the fares • • increases applied for by the Scottish Bus • • Group. They have also postponed the • •......
Late Crews Sent Home
• Complaints have been made to Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation transport department that drivers and conductors who turned up late for work in the New Year holidays were turned......