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P.s.v. Licence Applications Become More Onerous
No. 4 by lain Sherriff II Despite the diligence of the Traffic Commissioners when examining applications For public service vehicle licences, and the activities of the......
Women Drivers
Your November 15 issue mentioned the possible training of women to drive London buses. I marked the article "20th Century"! The following week we zoomed right back to the 19th......
Caetano Coach
As the suppliers of the Ford D500 Caetano 23-seater coach .to Hicks Coaches of Accrington, Lanes, and as sole concessionaires for Great Britain and Eire of that coachwork, we......
Morris Commercial History
am compiling a history of Morris Commercial Cars Ltd., and would like to make an appeal, through your journal, for any literature, photographs or technical information on this......