Paul Arthurton Paul Arthurton Transport Norfolk
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With a fleet of 12 vehicles on UK and international work, Paul Arthurton knows that he faces significant costs when it comes to using digital tachographs but on the question of who pays for his drivers' smart cards, he is clear.
"I will buy them. What choice do I have? After all, they cannot trade without them. If you want your drivers to carry on working for you, you have to support them."
Arthurton accepts that he will eventually have to shoulder the training costs as well. But he is far from convinced that such radical changes for everyone in the industry are entirely necessary, just to ensure that a small minority of rogue firms comply with drivers' hours regulations.
To add to the confusion, he was on the verge of investing 23,500 in a tachograph analysis machine. However, now that it's not clear if it will work with digital devices, he is uncertain whether to go ahead, despite having serious misgivings about the quality of the tachograph analysis firm he is using.
"Do I buy it, now that we could be going digital? Yet tachographs are already semidigital with the CD-type unit now used. It works and we don't really need another one. I question the need to go to all this expense."