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There's No Profit In Low Margins
AS YOU report in this week's issue (CM 3 November), average profit margins in the haulage industry have shrunk to 2.5 To. In fact if you look closely at the company accounts you......
Forget Lruc Rely On Fuel Duty
I'VE REACHED the point where I feel compelled to air my views on the failed Lorry Road User Charging project. Having read many articles in the trade press and followed this......
Forcing Down The Cost Of Food Is Crippling Farmers — And...
MANY HAULAGE firms depend upon and co-exist with the agricultural community. It saddens me that the 'supermarket mentality' in this country has driven farm prices so low that......
Ever wondered what temperature diesel burns at? What happened to the great fleets of yesteryear? Why the wheels don't fall of cars? Or why parking bays at MSAs aren't wide......