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Philip Baker Aj Baker & Son Hastings, East Sussex
Owner-driver Philip Baker is resigned to the fact that digital tachographs will, at some point, change his way of working. Despite this he has no short-term plans to renew his......
Paul Arthurton Paul Arthurton Transport Norfolk
With a fleet of 12 vehicles on UK and international work, Paul Arthurton knows that he faces significant costs when it comes to using digital tachographs but on the question of......
Gerard Palmer Huniapac Transport Preston
1ransport manager Gerard Palmer is responsible for a 36-strong fleet in a company that grows and distributes fresh produce. It leases most of its vehicles on a three-tofive-year......
Fact File • ..ra.h Loo S Similar To A Modular
analogue on • It comes in two parts a vehicle unit (VU) and a speedometer • The VU can store data on driving and duties for 12 months • The VU also records attempts to tamper......