Accident drivel
Page 15
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ARTICULATED lorry Gordo McDougall was driving a load I paper to an Aberdeen mill whe it overturned taking a rouns about, an industrial tribun, heard.
He was not charged by th police and there was no factu evidence that he had been dri' ing too fast.
He could not explain the acc dent except that his waste pap load had been soaked th previous night and could ha■ become top heavy.
He was dismissed an claimed unfair dismissal.
His employer contended th accidents of this type did n happen without reason. No I nable explanation had been a vanced and the Scottif Industrial Tribunal ruled that ti only possible reason was th the vehicle had been driven too great a speed to allow it undertake the manoeuvre i tended.
It ruled that one failure w enough to justify dismiss where standards of perfon ance were of necessity so hic as in this case and dismiss the application.