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Buses White Paper Worry
ONE of the proposals in the White Paper on buses which is not likely to arouse much excitement, but may be very dangerous if carried out, is the proposal to replace the Traffic......
Hgv: It Is Fair!
IN REPLY to D. Armishaws' letter (CM July 28) "HGV; It's not fair". I can only agree with him on one point. The hgv test fee is extortionate. I wonder where the associations......
A Split Step For Mankind
MR P. BAKER will be interested to hear (CM, July 7) that the efforts of his father in introducing a split step into the rear platform of Bristol Lodekkas operated by Brighton......
Memories Of A Super Transit
WAS MOST interested to read an article in Bird's-Eye View (CM, July 7) about truck racing and was pleased to read at the end of the report of a Transit fitted with a Cosworth......