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Cable Link With 100 Years Ago
EUROPE'S first cable tramway was opened on Highgate Hill between the Archway Tavern and Highgate Village, London, 100 years ago and ran until 1909 with a break between 1892 and......
George And Richard Cross For Courage
THE ROAD haulage industry should make sure that two gallant South Wales operators, Richard Read Transport, of Longhope, and George M. Read Transport, of Micheidean, do not......
Mail Was No Slower 200 Years Ago
JOHN PALMER, an 18th century Bath theatre manager, complained bitterly that his business was suffering because mail to London regularly took two days. He should have been so......
Post Office Stamps On First Mail Coach
IF THE GOVERNMENT had not heeded John Palmer's protest, the Post Office would have been able to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first mailcoach service by issuing a strip......
Smack Down The "i'm Alright" Brigade
IT IS time somebody took the smug smiles off the faces of the staff of retail stores, wholesalers and others who refuse to accept pre-booked loads from carriers. This kind of......
Carpeted For Playing On The Grass
GAZING for a moment at the patch of clover, daisies and buttercups that I laughingly call a lawn, I reflected on the lengths to which people will got to make a place to knock a......