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Quick-action shortener

11th August 1984, Page 56
11th August 1984
Page 56
Page 57
Page 56, 11th August 1984 — Quick-action shortener
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CARGO AIDS of Bexhill has 4 introduced a quick-action shortener for freight restraint systems using a chain with its Ctype heavy duty screw tension ers.

It consists of a short steel body with shaped pockets at both ends into which links are inserted and secured by a twistlock. The pockets are identical to that fitted at one end of the C-type tensioner; the other has a double claw for engaging with a strong point on the vehicle.

In use, the closest possible links at any convenient point on the lashing are locked into the shortener, leaving the surplus as an untensioned loop. Full tightness is obtained by a few turns on the tensioner. There is no bending either on the locked links, or on the shortener body.

The shortener is made for standard steel links of 7/32 and 9/32in barstock, although other sizes can be produced.

Cargo Aids Ltd Brett Drive Bexhill TN40 2JP