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2,000-ga11on Tankers for Jamaica

11th May 1951, Page 49
11th May 1951
Page 49
Page 49, 11th May 1951 — 2,000-ga11on Tankers for Jamaica
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SOME 2,000-gallon articulated tankers with Eaton two-speed axles have recently been delivered to Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd., for service in Jamaica. The vehicles comprise Austin Series II chort-wheelbase chassis with Taskers 9-ton semi-trailers.

The semi-trailer chassis have channel-steel frames "built down" at the rear to carry the semi-elliptic springs. Ventilated disc wheels carry twin 82520/35 by 71 12-ply tyres, a spare wheel and tyre being carried on the right-hand side of the trailer frame. The Girling two-leading-shoe brakes which are 16 ins, in diameter by 31 ins, wide, are operated by vacuum-servo equipment from the tractor. When the tractive unit is uncoupled, the semi-trailer is supported at the front by steerable screw-down jockey wheels to assist in man-handling.

The axle is of 31-in. square steel; the springs, which are of manganese steel, are 3 ft. 6 ins, long with 3-in.-wide leaves bushed at their ends and carried on 1-in.-diameter pins.

The 2,000-gallon four-compartment petrol tank was made by W. B. Bawn and Co., Ltd., and is fibricated by electric welding from 4-in, mild-steel plate. It is mounted on the semi-trailer on four pairs of fabricated bearer feet, the bearers being bolted to the semitrailer frame. The tank is 16 ft. 3 ins. long and has a cross-section measuring 6 ft. by 4 ft. 6 ins.

There are four 1-ft. 6-in.-diameter manholes, each of which is protected by a spun aluminium cover, Double

hose tubes are fitted on each side of the tank and aro provided with cast-aluminium lockable covers. The diameter of the hose is 21 ins., and, each tube contains a 12-ft. length. The couplings arc of the M and F type.

The walkway is on the left of the tank and consists of wooden slats bolted to suitable brackets, The access ladder is of tubular construction. "The Commercial Motor" understands that a number of these tankers has been purchased by the operator through Gillespie Bros. and Co., Ltd., Ling House. Dominion Street, London, E.C.2.