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M ODERN brakes are adequate for the speeds at which heavy vehicles are at present able to travel on Britain's narrow, winding...
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Festival Publicity on A RHAPSODY on British Roads Scarcely r - k roads is appearing in Justified official publications...
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Of a reader referring to our issue of April 20 as " one of the most important keep-for-reference numbers." The suggestion that...
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ARLY developments in the British -L-Transport Coriunissidn's proposal for, an area scheme for road passenger transport In East...
" A N unhappy experiment" is how the Colonial Development Corporation, in its recent annual report, describes the investment of...
rrHE C-licence position was discussed 1 at last week's meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party, "The Commercial Motor"...
N AMES of members of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the south-western area have been announced by the Minister...
WITHIN three days of the announceVY ment of the new Leyland Comet 90 range of goods vehicles, Leyland Motors, Ltd., received an...
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Remove r s:. Transport Rates Up A FTER a year's 'work, the insurance committee of the National Association of Furniture...
for the Ministry of Transport, with the tractive units running under trade plates, was declared illegal by Market Harborough...
A CURIOUS condition which appears to prohibit the carriage of return loads, is being imposed by the Yorkshire Licensing...
at Hollington, St. Leonards. referred to the 25-per-cent, dividend paid by Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., last...
n RAWINGS and examples of handi craft entered in the 1951 competition will be on exhibition at the Society . of Motor...
A GOVERNMENT subsidy and a cut Min interest payments have been advocated by the London Trades Council in a statement to the...
A PPLICATION has been made by Clifford Motor Components, Ltd., for permission to issue to the public 300,000 51 per cent....
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THE past and the present were I brought together last Tuesday, when a large party of Press people were crinveyed in a horsed...
A PROPOSAL to give the Manx Highway and Transport Board power to authorize Douglas Corporation to run buses outside the town to...
C LA1MS by bus companies that they paid their employees above tradeunion rates were often misleading, Mr. H. Blyth, northern...
MR. THOMAS MACKENZIE has resigned • from the board of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. -- Ma. T. H. TnomsoN has retired from his position...
MATIONATIZATION of road trans11 port had removed men who had spent the whole of their lives in transport and knew what...
D URING a discussion on transport at the annual conference of the National Retail Fruit Traders' Federation at...
A NOTHER series of 18 lunch-time lectures is to be given this year by the Institute of Export, 140, Cromwell Road, London,...
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F 'vE appeals against :decisions of Licensing . Authorities -for Public Service Vehicles have been heard by Ministry of...
O N Whit Sunday, London Transport is to launch double-deck bus excursion services on 28 routes into London's countryside. Seats...
more than f50.-000 and £25,000-worth of tyres are held at. the Manchester branch of Kennings. Ltd. Sir George Kenning, .LP.,...
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G RANTING Cardiff Corporation a new fares schedule based on id. per half-mile, the South Wales Licensing Authority has...
WORKPEOPLE'S weekly return VY tickets, instituted in 1945, increased the annual revenue of Lincoln Transport Department to the...
.F ORTY coaches will be used on 1 June 2 to bring nearly 5,000 employees of Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., and their families to...
TN the four weeks ended March 25, British Road Services earned £5,935,000. The British Transport Commission's provincial and...
L AST week's Irish Budget, which increased the tax on fuel by 2d, a gallon, has added £43,500 to the annual fuel bill for Cores...
WE regret to record the death of VV MR. R. A. CARDER, chairman and managing director of the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd. He was 59....
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nmoiWITHSTANDING a reduction I N M sheet-steel supplies," said Sir Rowland Smith, M.1.MeCh.E., chairman of the Ford Motor Co.,...
" MOTHING in the proposed sales I N campaign will replace or interfere with the personal contact with the customer which has...
I N Belgium at the end of last year there were 93,142 lorries under 24 ions capacity, compared with 88,178 in 1949 and 60.524...
B USINESS executives and officials of companies in the area of the South Bank exhibition are to be allowed free re-entry to car...
INCLUDED in a batch of semi-trailer 'chassis recently exported by R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80 Grafton Street, Liverpool,...
A WIDE variety of topics will be discussed at a number of short sessions to be held during the annual conference of the...
R EADING a paper . entitled " Agriculture and Road Transport " before the International Road Federation in London, recently,...
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By L. J. COTTON, m.i.R.T.E. G ERMAN technicians have since the war been extremely busy and their . present standard of chassis...
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How Direct Readings are Obtained on High-speed Pen Recorders. The Application of Supersonic Wave Beam to ' Flaw Detection H...
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Lord Teynham 's Acceptance of the Invitation to Become N.R.T.F. President May Pave the Way for the Federation's Progress By...
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In Three Years the Bombay State Undertaking has been Highly Developed, and Now Operates 1,125 Vehicles in 10 Divisions. Three...
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S OME 2,000-gallon articulated tankers with Eaton two-speed axles have recently been delivered to Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd.,...
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B Dour to the order of Italian horseracing authorities acting in conjunction with the Italian Government, two *vehicles...
rt A VALVE ' lifter for overhead-valve engines, operated by a treadle, is the latest tool in the Lightning range produced by...
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I N an effort to set up new standards of comfort for long-distance travel, Northern Roadways, Ltd., operating London to...
-Springs may now be fitted, at option. on the Muir-Hill 14B dumper, so that it may legally be run on the highway. Edge Hill...
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SEATS an 40RE STANDING P.T.A. Conference Delegates Discuss the Relative Merits of Trolleybuses and Motorbuses and the...
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A LTHOUGH the company's main interest lies in passenger bodywork, Nudd Bros. and Lockyer, Ltd., Keg' worth, Derby. has recently...
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R ECENT issues of ." The Commercial Motor" have contained much information regarding 'bus design. The article by Mr. A. Woolf,...
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The Coaching Season Commences and this Year will Receive a Fillip from Festival Activities : Calculation of Hiring Charges is...
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A DESIGN for a disc-type brake appears in patent No. 651,195, which comes from Wingfoot Corporation, Akron, Ohio, U.S.A. A...