Time and Money Savers
Page 63

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A Number of New Items of Workshop Equipment Designed to Simplify and Speed-up Maintenance r:IE value of any workshop equipTient is assessed by its usefulness and its timeand money-saving opensities. Here are some additions the workshop, ranging from a simple [gine-reconditioning tool costing a few Linings, to a particularly handy portale grinder which sells for a few mndS.
Engine fitters will agree that one of s most annoying features associated ith the removal and replacement of le valves is the manner in which the itters, if of the split type, will persist losing themselves. Harmans tigineering Co., Ltd., Yelland, .emington, Barnstaple, North Devon, ake a tool which goes a long way wards preventing this.
It is in the form of a deep-sided cup hich can quickly be placed in position iund the head of the tappet. When e valve spring is raised in the usual ay, the spilt collet. when fully leased, will fall into the cup, which then withdrawn. It is a hand-operated ol and strongly made in steel with iromium-plated finish. It costs 10s. 6d, . . Tool-bit Sleeves With the aid of MarieĀ° tool-bit teves, it is no longer necessary to roach or slot out square holes in ring bars. Instead, the boring bar drilled and reamed to the size of the spropriate Tvlarlco sleeve, which, after ing pressed into position, can be cured by pinning or brazing. If it is tended to harden the bar, the sleeve ay be welded in position.
Thesleeves are, of course, round and .ve machined in them slots to take andard sizes of tool bit. Tolerances sserved on the sleeves are plus or inus 0.00025 in. on diameter, and plus 0025 in. plus 0.0015 in. on slot 'cadth.
These sleeves are made in six differit sizes, the prices varying according size and quantity. required. The akers are W. H. Marley and Co., Ltd., ew Southgate Works, 105 High Road, mdon, N.11.
A new die-grinder kit now being ade by Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd,, oneer Works, Hanger Lane, Ealing, Dinion, W.5, should be found parallarly useful for such work as carcting inaccuracies in dies, light profile grinding, and for retouching taps, cutters, forming tools and so on.
The driving unit is of sufficient power to take grinding wheels up to
in. diameter by in. wide, the input On full load being 270 W. Although primarily intended as a portable tool, the net weight being only 5 lb., it lends itself to stand mounting.
Ten feet of cable is supplied with the grinder, together with a spare set of carbon brushes, grinding wheels, felt bobs and arbors.
When using a normal hacksaw for cutting sheet material, the inroad which may be made on the sheet is limited by the depth of the saw frame. The Eclipse sheet saw overcomes this difficulty, as it can be used, in effect, in the same manner as a wood saw, which it resembles in appearance.
The saw " frame " is similar to a wood saw minus the teeth, A standard 12-in, hand hacksaw blade is mounted on it in clamps, one of which is used to tension the blade. This tool is made by lames Neill and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Composite ,Steel Works, Napier Street, Sheffield, 11 A welding gun designed, for motor repairers not normally used to spotwelding equipment has been introduced by the A.R.O. Machinery Co., Ltd., 18 Madrid Road, London, S.W.13. It can be plugged into any power point and does not require a.skilled.operative.
The companyhave also produced a twin-spot welding gun for uniting two thicknesses of metal from one side only.
B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., High Wycombe, are to introduce a new heavy-duty production spray gun, Model WEI.
An adhesive duster for use in body paintshops and elsewhere has been placed on the market by Mr. K. H. Watson, St. John's Street, Kates Hill, Dudley, Worcs. its function is to collect dust and fluff, and it. can advantageously be employed on a vehicle before the varnish coat is applied. The adhesive in the duster is stated not to affect synthetic, cellulose or other paint.
The dusters cost 22s. 6d. a dozen, or 2s. each.
A " must " in all garages and workshops is some form of antiseptic hand cleaner. A new one, of the nonabrasive variety, has been introduced by the Gre-Solvent Co., Ltd., Leeds. Yorkshire. It is composed of nine ingredients blended to produce a translucent jelly. It is applied to dry hands and washed off in cold or warm water.