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W ITHOUT relief in taxation, there can be little hope of any substantial reduction in the price of liquid fuel. To the fleet...
Insurance Charge which Failed Mum as we may admire our police, sometimes "Ithey do charge owners and drivers of motor vehicles...
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That local squalls are usually the sequel to local squeals.. Gardeners wanting to know when pea hauliers were elevated to the...
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A SIX-POINT code of conduct for clearing houses has been established 4 7 1 by the clearing house group of the Road Haulage...
D RIVERS of pantechnicons should according to two Unions, be paid not according to the payload, in tons, of the vehicle, but by...
B ECAUSE supplies of alumina and manufactured products to and from the works of the British Aluminium Coâ Ltd., at Foyers on...
G RIEVANCES of some 1,500 employees of The Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., who threatened to strike last weekend, were...
R UMOTJRS that Fodens, Ltd., were going to take over Seddon Motors, Ltd., were denied by Mr. Herbert Seddon, last week, and a...
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rt LOSS of £331,799 could have been avoided by Birmingham Transport )epartment last year if fares had been Icreased to the...
Southern National Omnibus Co., td., unsuccessfully opposed an applittion before the Western Licensing uthority last week by...
FTER denationalization, the A. country would be faced with the mos and confusion of competition so - evalent in the road...
A SUGGESTION that arrangements for the joint service between his council, Nottingham Corporation and South Notts Bus Co....
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MR. W. J. MORRIS is the new Scottish Area secretary of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association. MR. W. G. PAvirr, a...
MORE stringent assessments of suit IVL for employment by Glasgow Transport Department have resulted in over half the number of...
A T the one-day autumnal conferene of the National Association t. Furniture Warehousemen an Removers, at the Connaught Room:...
WHEN Ernest Thomas, coal me VY chant, of Hillfarm Road, Lando was fined £2 at Luton last week fi permitting a lorry to be used...
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DECAL/SE of a labour dispute in a Sheffield factory supplying crankhafts to F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, is likely that the...
F HE Industrial Court has found that wages paid to Mr. R. E. Mahoney, lorry driver employed by the Octagon 1rewery, Ltd.,...
F URTHER applications are being made for higher rates of pay in ise engineering industry, which, if ranted, may well offset any...
['HE unofficial strike by Coventry bus I. workers continued last Saturday, le fourth successive Saturday since seir dispute...
k NEW heater, suitable for the cabs of commercial vehicles or nbulance bodies, has been produced y the Delco-Remy-Hyatt...
T HE undertaking previously carried on by Forth Ferries, Ltd., between Granton and Burn tisland should be taken over by the...
B RAZILIAN motor component manufacturers recently staged the first exhibition of their products in Rio de Janeiro and Sao...
A start will be made in the autumn on the Runcorn suspension bridge. High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Slough, Bucks, have published a...
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D OAD transport in India will be corn pletely nationalized within the next five or six years, the Indian Minister for...
T HE Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week upheld an objection by Highland Omnibuses, Ltd., against the application of...
A SPLENDID series of posters and other publicity material has been prepared by the Royal Society for the Prevention of...
/ - 3 , A NEW range of batteries has been marketed by Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester. The products are identified by...
D URINb June, registrations of vehicles, other than of cars and motorcycles, totalled 12,215, or 304 fewer than for May....
not to observe statuton working hours and speed limits wen made by Mr. H.' Bowesfield, of, Norti Ormesby, a' former employee of...
S AYING that it was not unreasonabl for the Northern General Transpoi Co., Ltd., to seek to move with th times, the Northern...
T HE chairman of the Bus Worker Anti-Nationalization Society, M Alec Tegerdine, and other members mi the Parliamentary...
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Operators Seek High Profits IOUNSEL representing 31 local authorities appealing against fares Teases in South Wales said at an...
'HE Minister of Transport has set aside a decision of the Western tensing Authority refusing to grant E. Tucker (Taunton),...
C LAIMS for a wage increase and improvements in working conditions for the 100,000 employees of private bus companies were...
produc tion to be taken in 1955 in respect of 1954 and the information to be obtained have now been considered by the Census ....
Road Haulage Executives, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., are designing a special type of trailertransporter to carry...
A FARMER was fined £5 at Pontefract recently for carrying 68 people in a lorry. It was stated that the passengers, 'mostly...
should have been under the nom-de-plume Ex E. and T. Operator."
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I N a van body made by Palmer Coachbuilder, Ltd., 96 Second Cross Road, Twickenham, for the Better Bakery, Twickenham,...
types of tower wagon based on the new Bedford Middleweight chassis, to be displayed during the ⢠Association of Public...
A FTER a motorist had been dist - % qualified from driving for a year at Willenhall last week for towing a friend's trailer,...
B ELFAST municipal transport dr i Vt and conductors began working rule on Monday in an attempt enforce disciplinary action...
A PRIVATE motorist was fined 12 Bedford last week for obstructi the police by givinz, warning to a lot driver alleged to be...
Lennox-Boyd, and Lord Mancn will be the principal speakers at t dinner of the Public Transport Assoc lion at Grosvenor House,...
T HE Brussels Motor Show will held in the Palais du Centena from January 16-27, 1954. Entry fon and regulations may be obtained...
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A CORDING to Mr. H. I. Partridge, proprietor of Bantam Coaches, Coventry, the use of 4-seaters for private-hire coach arties...
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r Big Garages How Economies in Fuel of up to 40 per. cent. Can be Achieved by the Use of Radiant Units : A Good System for...
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A BUS shelter measuring 9 ft. long, 4 ft. 6 in. wide and 6 ft. 8 in. high, and costing about £60, has been developed ⢠by...
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A LL-METAL and composite van bodies produced by Wilsdon and Co., Ltd., Solihull, Warwickshire, have for a number of years been...
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rAVING been taken off -delivery ,work by Ushers Wiltshire Brewery, Trowbridge. a 1947 Dennis Max of 144{. 6-in. Wheelbase has...
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By Ashley Taylor A.M.I.R.T.E. A. Study of Similarities and Contrdsts in the Public. Transport: Systems Of Three ,North=east...
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*I your issue dated August 28 you referred to Blackpool Town Council as having approved, at a meeting on ugtist 25, a...
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Thoughts on Damages By Our Legal Advist Liability of Employers for Injuries to Passengers in Lorries : Responsibility for...
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Own Tractor . MONG the outstanding . features at 'la tractive unit designed and built by Ir. P. H. G. Bagshaw, a farmer, of...
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Political Commentary By JANU; C ARDBOARD cartons and other packing materials deposited by lorry drivers on road verges and in...
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A Number of New Items of Workshop Equipment Designed to Simplify and Speed-up Maintenance r :IE value of any workshop...
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Having Described the Form on which Accounts of Operating Expenses are to be Kept, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Describes...
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P ATENT No. 694,582, comes from Girling, Ltd., Kings Road, Tyseley, Birmingham 11, and shows an improved version of a...