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Financial News of the Industry .

12th June 1936, Page 65
12th June 1936
Page 65
Page 65, 12th June 1936 — Financial News of the Industry .
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Forman Bros., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 2. Cap. £15,000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of Forman Bros., of Bronstein, haul age contractors, etc. Directors:-W. W. Forman, Sleaford Road, Pronston, Lincoln; IL Forman, Park Side, Branston, Lincoln. ' •

F. C. Moore, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 3. Cap. £2,000 in £1 shares. To acquire businesses of F. C. Moore and Sons, and Viceroy Super Coaches, coach proprietors, motor eng.neers, etc. Directors:-F. Moore, Sparlings Farm, Felstead; D. Moore, "Brandnew," Felstead; E. A. Moore. Solicitors:-Cunnington, Son and Orieur, Braintree. fast Anglian Ploughing Co., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 6. Cap. £4,000 in £1 shares i3,000 5 per cent, cum. pref. and 1,000 ord.). Ploughing contractor, etc. Subscribers:-G. Miles, The Aerodrome, Great Astideld; R. R. Stokes, 29, Palace Street, London. S.W.1. Solicitors:-Parker Garrett and Co., St. Michael's Rectory, Gornhill, Lorrion, E.C.

Chester's Garage, Ltd-Private company. Reg. June 2. Cap. £2.000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of W. S. G. and P. T. Chester, haulage contractors, etc, Directors:-W. J. G. Chester, 210, Ashby Road, Burton; P. T. Chester, " Thowin," Henhurst Hill, Needwood, Burton. Universal Freights, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 5. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:-A. J. Haughton, 43, Mere Lane, Everton, Liverpool; A. Smeathom, 152, Northumberland Street, Liverpool, 8. fieeretary:-Alfred Smeatham. Solinitom-Tolson 8. Ward,. 57, Moorfielda, Liverpool. Reg. office:-5, Strand Street, Liverpool.

T. A. Kirby (Hauliers), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 5. Cap: £1,000 in £1 shares. To acquire hnsiness of T. A. Kirby, haulage contractor, etc. Direetors:-T. A. Kirby, "Cambria,Kingsherswell, Devon; J. E. P. Mellor, " St. Margaret's," Barton Cross, Torquay; W. R. Frost, 3, High Street, Totnes. Solicitors :-Gownian Easterbrook Smith and Co., Paignton. Reg. office:-" Cumbria," Kingskerswell, Devon. Kirkbright's Devonway Tours, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 4. Cap. £2,000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of J. Wirkbright, coach proprietor, etc. Subsoribers7-Mrs. J. Clark; 19, Travis Street, Burnley; Kirkbright, 35, Yorkshire Street, Burnley. Secretary :-J. Kirkbright. C. H. Brown and Sons, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. May 29, Cap. £1,500 in 600 ord. and 600 6 per cent. norm cum. pref. shares of £1 and 6,000 ord. shares of is. To acquire business of E. IL Brown and Sons, haulage contractors, etc. Directors:-E. H. Brown and Mrs. M.

Brown, 232, Holbrook Lane, Coventry. Reg. office:-232, Holbrook

Lane, Coventry. • . Regal Transport Ca., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 3. Cap. £2,000 In .£1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors.-W. M. Carmichael and Mrs. B. T. Carmichael, 6, Leslie Road, Pollokshields, Glasgow. Reg, office:-190„ West George Street, Glasgow.

Pickering Road Haulage, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 3. Cap. 2.000 in £1 shares. To acquire-Unsiness of Richardson (Hull) Transport Co., haulage contractor, garage proprietor, etc. Subscribers:-IT. Coodiey, 85, Farm Road, Edgware; W. -C. -Smith, 21, Fairbourne Road, Londero, N.17; J. J. Richardson, 21, St. George's Road, Hull. Secretary:A. M. Drury, 15, Lansdowne Street, Hull. Reg. office:-82, Pickering Road, Hull. H. W. Johnson, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 3. Cap. £4,000 in £1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:-II. W. Johnson and Mary J. Johnson, Heather Mount, Enville Road, Kinver. Reg. office;Cottage Street, Brierley Hill. Yokes, Ltd.-Public company. Reg. May 27. Nom. cap. £50, 2s. shares. To acquire undertaking and assets of C. G. Yokes,Ltd., motor and industrial accessory• ruannfactisrers and general engineers, etc. Subscribers:-S. E. Penhallow, 497, Commonside East, Mitcham; E. If. Wiseman, 8, Severn Avenue, Gidea Park, Roroford; and five others. Solicitors:-..f. D. Langton and Passniore, 16,•Tokenhouse Yard, London, E.C. G. F. Phillips and Sons, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 6. Cap. £3,000 in £1 shares (750 7/4 per cent, c-um. pref. and 2,250ord.). To acquire business of F. Phillips. Sheffield, Haulage contra-cter, etc. Subscribers:-F. Philips, 300, Warminster 'Road, Sheffield, 8; K. Sherwin, 278, Warminster Road. Sheffield, a.. Soliciters:-Slater and Elliott, • 13, Para&se Square, Sheeld. Reg. office:-.2.78, Warminster Road., Sheffield.


Peerless Safety Glass Co., Ltd-Particulars filed on May 22, of £5,000 delis., auth. March 19, 1936. charged on company's undertaking and property, presentand future, including uncalled cap., the amount of present issue being £1320. Betts Blanc, Ltd.-Mortgage dated May 13, 1936, to secure £3,500 charged on properties in Romiord. Holders:-A. E. Slane, 252, Mawney Road. Romford, and T. Webster, Doglands, Wash Road, Laindori. Chesterfield Transport, Ltd.-Issue on April 29, 1936, ol £600 debs. (part of a series already reg.). File shows that issue of dabs. for £1,000 on April 22, 1933, is incorrect, £400 debs, only were issued on that date.

INCREASES OF CAPITAL. • Multimeters, Ltd.-25, Haymarket, London, &W.1. Nom, cap. increased by £1,000 beyond reg, cap. of £2,500. Addition comprises 200 7 per cent, cum, first pref, shares of £5. Walter Robinson, Ltd,-Reiruley Road, Accrington. Nom. cap. increased by £900 in £1 ord, shares beyond reg. cap. of £100.


T. S. Motors, Ltd.-Loss in 1935 was £4,334, this being increased to £10,483 by including amount written off stoek. Added to the debit balance brought, forward, the total is £166,714. Crossley Motors, ttd.-Profit in year ended March 51, 1936, was £14,092, after deducting interest on debentures, etc. (£4,184) and directors' lees (£1,600). Capital reserve fund is to receive £3,000 and the balance of £11,092 is to be carrier) forward.