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IT HERE is little, if any; • doubt that the rail ways in this country are determined to bring about a railway monopoly of...
of private cars and taxicabs for hire or reward at separate fares has recently been brought into prominence by a case in the...
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Some Advantages of I AST week we travelled over the Side-engined "1,000 miles in a Northern Coach General coach of the...
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On Tuesday, Captain A. U. M. Hudson, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, received a deputation...
"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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applications for additional motor vehicles in the Yorkshire Area was extended at a meeting, convened by A.R.O. at Bradford, on...
MR. J. H. STIRK, chairman of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners, left England, on June 5, for a holiday in Egypt. There...
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by S. Gratrix, pint, and Brother, Ltd., Manchester, against 10 convictions in connection with drivers' hours, was dismissed by...
T HE Ministry of Transport has now intimated to the agricultural counties of England and Wales that no additional grants beyond...
the general working conditions of employees of A and B licence holders in the Yorkshire Traffic Area was made in one direction...
THAT the fixing of rates was a mat/ ter to which serious consideration should be given, although the task was rather dangerous,...
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In connection with the I.M.E.A. Annual Convention, being Mid at Edinburgh this week, an exhibition of electric vehicles was...
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Wembley Urban District Council is to bur a fire-eng:ne. Rowley BaXiS Town Council proposes to buy three lorries. Fleetwood...
THE Three Counties Show, said to be next in importance to the "Royal," opened at Perdiswel Park, Worcester, on Tuesday, in fine...
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A Well-equipped Van Built by E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., for Use Under Tropical Conditions. Refrigeration Apparatus is...
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T HE phrase " tapering scale "is familiar to students of transport economics, both road and rail, as well as to experts in...
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ASSOCIATION CALENDAR. • A. R.°. • June /5.—Annual Luncheon, Grosvenor House, Leaden, W,1; 12.45 p.m. June 15.--Cast' , Hord...
In addition to the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Inskip, C.B.E., K.C., and Capt. A. U. M. Hudson, M.P., who will be the principal...
D URAL operators in North Wales IN.may be compelled to suspend certain services if the " pirating " of their passengers by...
AT was probably the largest assembly of hauliers ever held in the Selby district gathered at a combined recruiting and...
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QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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WHEN the Dual-Turbulence oil W engine was introduced, some 18 months ago, by Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Great...
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When will the Haulage Industry Realize that the Railways are Determined by Every Means in Their Power to Wipe Out Road...
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Tour of Southern England The Editor of this Journal Comments Upon a Seven-day Coach Tour from Newcastle to Land's End which He...
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the designer's difficulties Mr. A. T. Priddle Expresses Wellbalanced Views on Current Trolleybus Problems at the T .L.R.T.A....
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5at CLEANSING CONFERENCE T HE 38th Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Cleansing is being held at Portsmouth this...
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of RECENT marketed in this country by Benjamin Whittaker, Ltd., Victoria House, Vernon Place, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1,...
of power-operated doors, G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd., Slough, has developed its National PneumaticPeters system to meet the...
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In Addition to the Exhibition of Cleansing Vehicles and Appliances and Various Other Events, Eight Papers Have Been Prepared...
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A Product of the Eagle Concern. A New Model with a Moving Barrier for Compressing die Refuse. Vacuum-operated Covers a Novel...
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ENFORCED? T HE important question of whether the Minister of Transport's decision (on appeal by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.)...
Glasgow. A record traffic revenue of £2,980,069—an increase of £92,354 over the previous year's figure—was earned in the year...
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A SUBMISSION, which, if upheld in the High Court, would impose still further onerous responsibilities on operators of public...
A CCORDING to newspaper reports .1 — tpublished early in the week, negotiations are taking place with a view to the purchase by...
A N interesting aspect of protection was under discussion before the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, when Ribble Motor...
ELGIN " TRANSFER" PASSED. L AST Friday, the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners approved the " transfer " of the licences...
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or Monopoly? Powerful Views Expressed by Prominent Personalities in Transport at the I.T.A. Annual Conference. Is Monopoly the...
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In Parliament ROAD-GRANT PROPOSALS: SUGGESTED AMENDMENTS. AEMBERS of the Parliamentary ai Road Group and others have...
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NEW COMPANIES. Forman Bros., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. June 2. Cap. £15,000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of Forman...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published B DRAKE mechanisms incorporating a J.Jratchet which takes...