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" The wheels of wealth will bestowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Coach Makers' Livery Dinner.
On Wednesday -evening last The Commercial Motor was one of the privileged guests at the Livery dinner given by the Worshipful Company of Coach Makers and Coach Harness Makers of London, when the Lord Mayor and Mr. Sheriff Coxun were the guests of honour. That pioneer of commercialmotor tyres, Mr. W. J. McCormack, of Alia Dunlop Co., presided as Master, with Sir Edward Manville, Senior Warden, Mr. W. Lawton Goodman, L'enter Warden, and Mr. Sydney Norris, Junior Warden.
Amongst the distinguished guests were the Marquess of Cambridge, Lord Colwyn, P.C., Sir George Beharrell, D.S.O., president of the S.M.M. and T., Messrs. Sydney Guy and F. S. Bennett, vice-presidents of the S.M.M. and T., Mr. E. Gordon England, president of the Motor Agents Association, Sir William Letts, and other leading personalities in the motor, commercialvehicle and coachbuilding world.
There is no doubt that the motor industry and aircraft industry have fallen heirs to this old guild, full of its traditions from the Elizabethan era downwardS, for the comPany under Mr. ' McCormack's presidency might have formed a representative delegation from every branch of these' combined industries.
The speakers on this occasion were Sir Edward Manville, Lord Colwyn, • Mr. Sydney Guy, and Mr. E. Gordon England. Mr. Guy raised some very good points on the taxation question, also on the disadvantages of trams as compared with motorbuses, humor ously suggesting that Lord Colwyn or . Sir George Beharrell's companies might invent some kind of rubber tramline which might allow trams to discharge • Passengers without fear of being knoeked down by other users of the streets.
A.E.e.s for an Irish Railway.
The Asitociated Equipment Co.; Ltd., has recently received from the Great Northern Railway fIraland) als_ order for 12 A.E.C. Reliance95 h.p. bus chassis for passenger-vehicle work' in connection with road-transport services in Northern Ireland. The bodies will be Irish built.
A Trent Acquisition.
The Treat Motor Traction Co., Ltd.. 10, Albert Street, Derby, advises us that it has just taken over the whole of the garage, vehicles and goodwill of a motorbus business belonging to Messrs. ,Chapman and Sons, at Belper, near Derby, the fleet comprising 12 vehicles.
R.A.0. Demonstration of Direction Indicators and Anti-dazzle Devices.
A demonstration of direction.' indicators and anti-dazzle devices far motor vehicles was arranged by the Royal Automobile Club at Riehmond Park on March 7th, the object being to show to the public and to interested G20
officials the progress that has been made in the design of these accessories. The Ministry of Transport was interested in the demonstration, which was, in fact, arranged Partly at the Ministry's
request. Well over 150 entries '-ere received from intending ;exhibitor* about one hundred of these being for direction indicators. Exhibits which are of interest to commercial motor Operatives will be dealt with in the next issue of this journal.
In a Line or Tvao.
The new Morris-Cotamereial taxicab has been approved for public service in Sheffield.
• Illustrated handbooks explaining the Police. traffic signals hasSe been stipdlied to London bus drivers by the Home
Office. *
There are seven ambulances used for the education serviceof the London County Council, the annusl cost in connection with them being £31,800.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board is to install at the Western Ambulance Station, at an estimated cost of £240, an apparatus for washing and disinfecting vehicles.
In our issue for last week we stated that the Piccadilly Circus Garage, Ltd., had been officially opened.. We are informed that this ceremony will not take place until March 27th.
The annual supper and concert of the Commercial Motor ITscrs' Association took place recently at Birmingham and over Of) people were present. Mr. 0. C. Poster, traffic 'manager of • the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd., presided. •
Official Contracts for January.
Amongst the contracts for commercial motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during January last, the Crown Agents for the Colonies divided one for lorries between MorrisCommercial Cars, Ltd., the AlbioiL Motor Car Co., Ltd., and Bean Cars, Ltd. The War Office divided a contract for six-wheeled chassis between Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.,' Karrier Motors, Ltd. Guy Motors, Ltd., and John I. • Thornycroft and CO., Ltd., whilst another for chassis was placed with Trojan Cars, Ltd., 'a third for vans with Jewett Cars, Ltd., one for sixwheel-drive • vehicles with .Seamatell Lorries, Ltd., and another for bodies for a number of six-wheeled vehicles with Crossley Motors, Ltd. The G.P.O. authorities gave an order for chassis to the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd:, and one for bodies to W. Harold Perry, Ltd., and Bonn allack and Sons. The Air Ministry also ordered' a number of sixwheeled _chassis from Crossley Motors,
Ltd. • New Trartors to be Demonstrated.
The farm-machinery demonstration to be held to-day and to-morrow {February 12th and 13th) at the Harper Agricultural College, Newport, Salop, sirotnises to be thoroughly representative in character. The •Present entries include the following makes of tractor s--International, Rushton, Fordson, Wallis, Lanz Bulldog, Latil and Chenard-Walcker, the last two being both suited for forestry work. Among the horticultural machines will be the Aute-culto. the Monotrae, and two models of the Sirnar Rototilleis
An Exhibition in Tanganyika.
Tanganyika Territory is anxious to take its part in the efforts to extend trade and commerce within the Empire. With this in view, it will hold an agricultural and industrial exhibition during the first week of September at Dar-es-Salaam. This will be the first of its kind to be held under British
:administration. There will be an important section devoted to ,transpott and traction.
Transport at the Basle Fair.
The 13th annual -Swiss Intinstries Fair; which opens at Basle for 10 days from April 180, shows a notable increase on previous years, both in the number of exhibitors and in the .range of national industries and crafts repreaented. There is a section dealing with modern. transport, which ig of particular interest by reason of Switzerland's steadily growing motor industry.•
Sales Position Available.
A lorry manufacturer located near London will shortly have openings for. good meninthe sales department, one for a foreign or general • sales manager.,• Letters, addressed " Foreign :Sales," care of the Editor, will be forwarded. Personal Pars.
Mr. V. P. Fitz-Simon, late of the London and Parisian Motor Co., has recently been appointed by the Vnleau Motor and Engineering Co: (1906), Ltd, to take charge of its home sales department.
Amongst the list of names of interest to road-transport users in the New Year's Honours List, apart from Mr. W. R. MOrris, who, as mentioned in our issue for last week,. receives .0: baronetcy, is that of Mr. C. W. Hurcomb, CB., C.B.E., the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Transport, who is made a knight-Commander.
Mr. A. W. Hubble, U.I.Mecla.E., general manager of Crossley Mcitors; Ltd., has been appointed a director Of the company to fillthe vacancy occa sioned by the resignation of Sir William M:, Letts.. Mr. Bubble has been closely associated with the motor industry since its earliest days, Before joining Crossley's he was associapd with the Motor Manufacturing Co. (1907), Ltd., and D. Napier and Son, Ltd. • He was chief engineer and works manager for Creteicy Motors, Ltd., for a period of years. Later he was delegated to take charge the Avro Co., 'in, -Which Crossley Motors, Ltd., obtained a-controlling interest. In .1927, Mr. Hubble rejoined Crossky Motors, Ltd., as general manager.
Captain J. A. Taylor, whose portrait appears on this page, is sales director of Carrimore Six-wheelers, Ltd. He served his apprenticeship with the former Clement concern and, on the completion of the term, continued with the company on the sales side. Being on the Reserve of Officers he Was mobilized in 1914 and, later, was in charge of a fleet of 93 Fotlen vehielea. These steam wagons were employed principally on road and forestry work,' involving long terminal delays for loading and unloading. At 'his instigation a number of G.S. wagons was 'convertedfrom horse to mechanical haulage and used behind the Fodens as trailers.
Captain Taylor has a very extensive experience of the requirements of trailer risers and has been intimately connected 'with the haulage problems of a vast number of trades. He informs-us that he has been respOnsibIe for the sale of nearly 5,600 trailers.
Buses Making Headway in Glasgow. At a recent meeting of the tramways subcommittee on finance of the Glasgow Corporation it was announced that there lied been an increase of £24,006. in the receipts of the tramways department in the period from June 1st (the beginning of the financial year) to February 23rd. During, this period there was an increase of nearly 10,000,000 in the number of . passengers carried, representing added revenue to the extent of about /24,000. The most interesting point, however, is that the tramways revenue was down by £64,500, whereas the bus revenue showed an increase of £90,391.
G.W.R. Land Cruises.
In connection with the land cruises organized each summer by the Great Western Railway Co., and which commence on May 6th, a new scheme is announced. With regard to the six-day tour through the West of England— the Cornish Riviera—the road journeys will cover a circular tour from Torquay, across Dartmoor, Newquay and Penzance, returning to TOrquay via Truro, Liskeard and Plymouth. Thejourneys have been expressly designed to provide' 'leisurely tours, the road journeys having been restricted to moderate daily distances. The other tours comprise: Forest of 'Dean, Wye Valley, Malvern Hills, Shakespeare's
country. .
• Success of Automatic Traffic Signals.
The chief constable of Eastbourne reports, having visited Leeds to study the practical working of the traffic. control lamp signals installed in that city. The signals are in operation at Ave crossings, and have freed eight constables for regular police work, effect, ing considerable economy. The police at Leeds consider the system to be a success.
Tramways Abandonment at Rothesay?
The Rothesay Tramways Co., Ltd., has applied to the Secretary of State for Scotland for an _Order to enable it to make provision for teniporarily discontinuing the operation of its tramwaYs, with a view to their permanent abandonment at a later date. The company proposes to operate bus services in place of the existing tramway services.
Night Bus Service to Replace Trams.
It is reported, in the Daily Despatch. of Manchester, that large-capacity motorbuses are to be employed on the all-night services in that city in place of the tramcars at present in use. The proposal has two or three advantages over the existing arrangements. One of the main objections to the night tramway services is the noise breated by the cars,: and the buses sill, it is hoped, obviate all cause far complaints on this score.
It is also stated that the corporation intends to effect an economy by employing no separate conductors on the night buses; drivers will collect the • fares. According to information avail,able, eight buses will, at the start, be r used on the new services. One will
:operate on each of the present
all night routes, and will provide au hourly service.
Railway and Corporation Joint Bus
• Working.
The joint committee of .the Sheffield Corporation and the London, Midland and Scottish and the London and North Eastern Railways applied recently to the watch committee of the Sheffield Corporation for permission to institute a bus service between Sheffield and Mansfield, via intake, Eckine,ton and Chowne, also for vehicle licences in respect of 10 Motorbuses to operate on the services. The applications were granted.
Chesterfield Corporation and the
• Railways.
It was decided recently at a meeting of the transport committee of Chesterfield Corporation that the railway companies be invited to investigate the financial side of the corporation's 'transport undertaking and to present two separate fin anc22
cial formulse thereon, the one to be the basis of an offer for the -routes classified in two groups, and the other to be the basis of an offer for the whole undertaking.
A Rotherham-to-Chesterfield Service Declined.
At a recent meeting of the transport committee of Chesterfield Corporation a letter was submitted from the town clerk of Rotherham stating that the Rotherham Corporation was desirous of instituting a through motorbus service between Rotherham and Chesterfield, to link up with the existing route of the East Midland Service between Swallownest and Chesterfield.
The Chesterfield Corporation decided to reply that it is unable to enter into the negotiations suggested.
'lyres on the F.W.D. Mobile Crane.
Owing to a typographical error, we stated in our issue for last week that this appliance is errnipped with 46-in. by 8-in, giant pneumatic tyres. This. of course, should have read 36-in. by S-in.
Eastbourne Considers Double-saloon.
At a meeting of the motorbus committee of Eastbourne. Corporation a few days ago the minute of" the town council, that the purchase of double-saloon buses be deferred until a suitable vehicle has been inspected and approved by tric whole council, was reported, and it was decided that the chairman and general manager be asked to interview the chief engineer of the Loudon, General Omnibus Co, Ltd., and to report at the next meeting. Ford Tractor Parts 'Shipped to Atherica, The Cork works of the Ford Company has just made its first shipment to America by the s.s. " Hatteras " of some 400 tons to 500 tons of Ford tractor parts which are to be assembled at Detroit. A luncheon to celebrate the occasion was held aboard the steamer a few days ago, and it was a coincidence 'that the master of the ship, Captain Moon, brought under his charge the first shipment of Ford parts from America to the Cork works ten years ago.
Financing the Sale of New Vehicles.
A firm of commercial-vehicle specialists dealing in a fairly large way with second-hand and reconditioned vehicles, and having three depots in London, is desirous of getting into -touch with an interested party in the commercial-vehicle business to finance and open-up the sale of new vehicles in connection with their existing business. Letters, addressed "S.," care of the Editor of this journal, will he forwarded, 1928 Bus Figures for Ireland.
• Figures are now available showing the extent of the bus traffic in the Irish Free State during • 1025. In all 16,920,697 vehicle-mile.s -were run, 30,652,866 passengers were carried, and the gross receipts from passengers amounted to £615,733.
In the month of December, vehiclemiles, passengers and gross receipts all showed an increase on the previous two months, and On some services the average receipts per passenger-mile showed an increase, During the yean vehicles crossing the Northern Ireland border carried 319,353 passengers, covering 862,597 vehicle-miles, and the gross receipts on them were £27,170.
• Londonderry Bus Developments. Mr. H. III. S. Catherwood has recently taken over premises in Londonderry as a garage for the municipal services which he is to run in that city. Preparations are being made by his company for extensive operations in the north-west of Ireland, and the :services 'between Limavady and Dangiven, formerly operated by the " Super Knut " Line, have been taken ever. Bus Re-organization at Leeds.
The general manager of the tramways undertaking of the Leeds Corporation has recently submitted a report to the tramways committee recommending certain improvements in the organization of the motorbus section under his control. We understand that proposals which were adopted include the .extension of the garage and the acquisition of additional plant, the reconditioning of several of the vehicles and the purchase of 12 32-seater buses to replace 12 20-Seaters which are regarded as having served their useful period of life. .
The London-Yorkshire Sleeper Coach . Service.
It is stated that the night service of sleeper buses operating between Leeds, Bradford and London has been suspended for the time being. We understand that the Yorkshire public has not become accustomed to this form of travel in ths same degree as the Lancashire public has done, and that the severe February weather has rather discouraged travellers. It is thought, however, that passengers having made one night trip by this service, even in the worst of weather conditions, would not hesitate to travel always by road sleeper coach.
Royal Show Entries.
Few of our readers will need a reminder of the fact that the annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England is. this year to be held at Harrogate, the period being from July 9th-13th; but they may not be aware that applications. for 'space to "enable appliances to be exhibited in theire/dement section cannot be yeeeived by the secretary.. at 16, Bedford Square, London, W.C.1, after March 20th. • •
Leeds Licenee Decisions.
The watch committee of the Leeds Corporation has granted the following applications for licences :—
West Riding Autotn-obile Co., Ltd., to extend to Hull a motorbus service between Leeds and Goole.
South Yorkshire Motor Co. to extend to London certain journeys on the motorbus service between Leeds and Doncaster. Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., to augment the service between Leeds, Tadcaster, York and Scarborough. Hobble Bus Services to ply for hire in Leeds in connection with a service between Leeds and Halifax.
Cardiff Meeting of Licensing Authorities.
Bus proprietors contemplating extensions of their services in the Cardiff, Barry, Penarth, Caerphilly and Pontypridd areas should take care that applications for new or extended licences, which require the sanction of more than one authority, be made immediately. The reason is that on March 26th a conference is to be held at Cardiff of representatives of the councils of these districts to consider jointly the licensing of any through services proposed, and that applications not then considered will be held in abeyance for 12 months.
Previously it was the custom of the 'joint authorities to meet at fairly fre quentsintervals to consider licence Applications affecting more than one district but the conference at a recent meeting decided in the future to meet only once annually.
The Use of British Roadstone.
Apaper was read by Mr. Harold .Bradley, tf.Soe.C.E. (France), M.1. Struct.E., at a meeting of the Institute of Quarrying held at the British Industries Fair Birmingham, on February 28th, which is of ,interest to the commercial motor industry because of the, references which the speaker had coca sion to make to important figures bearing upoo road making.
Mr. Bradley reminded his audience that whereas the total expenditure on 178,000 miles • o1 roads in Great Britain was only 118,000,000 in 1914, in 1921 it was as much as 152,090,000, He . stated that we have still 100,000 miles of highway to rebuild, and that the number of mechanical vehicles is increasing at the rate of 300,000 per annum. The speaker contended that the use of natural hardstone "chippings held firmly on the surface by rolling when the dressing is warm will go a long way towards solving the problem of slippery roads.
Report on an American Exhibition. The Department of Overseas Trade has prepared a report on the twentyeighth Annual Automobile 'Exhibition, which was held at Philadelphia during January last. Companies in the United Kingdom, whichdesire a copy. of this report, should communicate with the Department at 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference A.X. 7531 being ,quoted. Chevrolet Six Demonstrated.
On February .28th Messrs. Bevins and Ashfield, of Wellington ,Road, Rhyl, arranged a spectacular trial to demonstrate the capabilities of the Chevrolet Six lorry, the vehicle being called upon to climb Prestatyn Mountain with a certified load of 30 cwt. The mountain is over 600 ft. high, and in places has a gradient of 1 in 3. The demonstration attracted a big crowd of interested people, and we are told that, despite a layer of snow and the need for negotiating uneven surfaces, some of which were ice-bound, the vehicle successfully performed the task which it was set to accomplish.
Sheffiex Repeat Orders.
Sheffiex Motors, Ltd., has received repeat orders for Sheffiex commercial vehicles from Wellerman Bros., Ltd., a public works contractor, of Sheffield and Hythe, for a 50-cwt. semi-forwardcontrol chassis with tipping body, and from Messrs. Cooper and Riggott, of Sheffield, for a 2-ton model.
Tramways to be Replaced in Gravesend.
The Gravesend and Northfleet Electric Tramways, Ltd., has secured licences from the Gravesend Borongh Council for 16 buses to ply for hire on the tramway routes and the tramcars are to be taken out of service,
A Fastener for Floor Trapdoors; Vickers (Crayford), Ltd., is about to make use of a new form of fastener for trap-doors in thc floors of motorbuses. The device has been designed in the Vickers works to fill the need 'for a fastener which will prevent trap,doors from rattling and which will be stronger and more easily manipulated than.the ordinary hinged eyelet. The new fastener consists of a cup-shaped brass casting into .which a sprieg-loaded Plunger is fitted, with a ring for the finger. The plunger has a rirMt-aegled catch at its lower end.
The device is fitted into a hole drilled in the trap-door (near its edgy) and is held by three screws. The catch en:rages in a Metal angle-piece screwed the underside of the floor or to a crossmember, and is released by inserting a finger in the ring and twisting it. When in position the trap-door is securely held by the spring and prevented front rattling. Three large holes in the baseof the casting allow dirt and Water to escape.
, The ordinary hinged eyelet tends to pull out the screws which fit it because the strain is on the edge of the 'plate; with the new fitting the strain icentral.
Heath of Mr. Albert Brawn.
• We learn with much regret of the death of Mr. Albert Brown, which occurred on March 4th. He was one ef the founders of Brown Bros., Ltd., the well-known motor factors, being managing director of the company for many years and its chairman from 1919 ti 9= Repeat Orders for Guy Vehicles.
A number of municipalities has recently indented for vehicles of Guy make. One of the largest orders, lii the nature of a repeat, has been received by Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, from Hastings, and is for 10 trolley-buses, making a total of 5•4 (14. vehicles in use by this authority. :• The Leicester Corporation is buying six six-cylinder six-wheelers and sigc"26,seater buses and when these are . deliy:ered it will have 41 Guy buses in service. An order for three
six-cylinder six-wheeled 60-sirater bust': has been received from the Middlesbrough Corporation, which will have 11. buses of this make in use when these machines are delivered.
A•. recent interesting order is that received from. the Scottish • General Transport CO., Ltd., of Kilmarnock, which has recently ordered 12 20-seater OND-type buses.
Licences in England and Wales.
The number of motor vehicle licences current on January 1 st In in lhiglami and Wales was 1,359,314.
The number of driving licences issued during the 12 months to November 306, 1928, was 2,309,207.
Railway to Collect Goods from Farmers.
The Great Northern Railway Co. of Ireland has recently placed an order for 2-4-ton motor lorries with which to make a trial of a scheme for the collection of agricultural produce from farmers whose lands are situated some distance from the railway. Should the venture prove to be a success it is the intention of the company further to develop this means for transport in CCMne.ction with the railway.
Speaking at the recent annual meet• ing of this company, the chairman said the railway had 12 buses of the latest type on order, and at present it had seven buses operating in various areas. It was the company's intention to provide the fullest opportunities for interrail-road travel in the districts which it served.
Eastbourne Coach Licences.
At a meeting of the watch committee of the Eastbourne Corporation, which was held recently, tbe appeals by Motor Tours (Great Britain), Ltd., and the United Service Transport Co. against the refusals to grant them licences in connectionwith services between Eastbourne and Londonwere considered. It was deeided to grant the licences upon certain eoeditions governing Ply• ing for hire, perking, etc.:, fa Eastbourne.
Tenders for Gloucester's Buses.
The Gloucester City Council recently considered 40 tenders for the supply of the 1.2 new buses which are to replace some of the trams' in that city. . Originally it was resolved to employ eight 20-seaters or 26-seaters and -four :32-seaters, but now a decision has been made to use only 26-seaters. Tbe sub-committee dentin.*' with the matter is insptcting, at the makers' v-orks, certain of the other types of vehicle for which (Imitations hive been reed IT d.