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Volvo show the way out.

13th June 1975, Page 34
13th June 1975
Page 34
Page 34, 13th June 1975 — Volvo show the way out.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Too many ti pper designs start as haulage chassis.

By the addition of an extra axle, a bit of chassis strengthening and some more beef in the (ear suspension, they're expected to cope with the rugged requirements of heavy duty tipping operations.

No chance!

Any operator who has learned this lesson the hard way will know what we mean.

Volk' have designed and built in Britain a new F86 8x 4 tipper which really gets to grips witn me problems. A specific truck for a specific lob.

Design objectives have been to concentrate strength where it really counts— in the frame and rear bogie. The comparatively light engine/gearbox weight has made this possible.

The rolled 'U' section steel frame is exceptionally strong and flexible. Thick, loadbeari ng flanges and light webs provide strength without excessive weight penalties.

The Volvo 'T-ride two spring, • non-reactive double-drive rear bogie has a high degree of articulation. Plated at 19 tons, it has a design capability of train weights up to 80 tons, and provides outstandngtraCtion with first class stability Properly balanced braking performance with improved service life is ensured by the use of 6in linings at the front and 8in linings on the rear axles, , Cab safety is • particularly important to tipper operators, and the Volvo F86 cab has the highest degree of safety of any British built 8x 4. The main structure will withstand a 1 ton weight at 30 mph while the roof will withstand 15 tons without collapse.

_ The new 8 x4 is Volvo quality • • throughout—engine, gearbox, axles, frame and all major components. All thoroughly proven on other Volvo vehicles. There is a high degree of parts commonality and availability giving thebest parts and service back-up i pthe business.

Here is Volvo quality in a heavy-duty tipper Total performance which takes earning power to a new peak: It's your best chance to get out of the rut.

Aliso Trucks Ltd., Barrhead, Glasgow G78 1LB.

Telephone 041-8815851.

Telex 778371. .