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Ma Agement
MAT RS Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: a guide for employers (4) Employers' policy statements by John Darker, AMBIM FROM APRIL 1 this year employers have been required to......
Sealed Light
n addition to its Standard range f Customs approved seals, ealfast Security Devices are ow marketing a range of cable eals designed for high-value yads. Made 'by Brooks of the......
Auto Wash
A new type of automatic wash for commercial vehicles has been developed by Wickham Industrial Equipment. The Jet Clense will clean commercial vehicles of all shapes and sizes......
A speed-warning device designed and made in South Africa is now available from Control Logic. The device, called Speetlovox, gives audible warning whenever a set speed is......
Pressure :heck
n injector-pressure-setting data all-chart for more than 100 . Lakes of diesel engine covering total of almost 1,000 Yplications has been published Leslie Hartridge. The chart......
Safety First
A safety rail Which is raised using a compressed air ram has been developed for road tanker walkways by Progressive Engineering. An air reservoir contains enough air for 15......