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Operating Cost Assessment: Bristol Lhs Coach
USING the data obtained on the road test of the Bristol LHS and operating cost factors for a 10-metre coach as included in CM Tables of Operating Costs for 1975, it is possible......
Pig And Whistle!
Arming himself suitably for Britain's renewed assault on Europe, deputy editor lain Sherriff has blown the dust off his copy of The Insult Dictionary, which is subtitled How to......
Ode To Moscow
Those of you who know the ageless and rather ebullient Bernard Johnstone, proprietor of the Joloda business in Liverpool, will not be in the least surprised to hear of his......
Uplifting Message
Strolling along a London street on referendum polling day I was intrigued to see a large commercial vehicle liberally bedecked with large red balloons. The colour couldn't have......
Going And Coming
Changes at the Institute of Traffic Administration cannot go unremarked by'your columnist. I'm sure the institute will be marking Fred Pywell's retirement in an appropriate way,......
Under Whose Bonnet?
Sharp-eyed reader Frank Williams, of Bowes, has sportte that the alleged Cummins engin of the Ford depicted on page 25 of our May 25 issue was in fact a photo of a Berliet TR280......