rea for a few at qational Freight
Page 30

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he remains of the National reight Corporation were quietly isposed of in the presence of
Press in the Edwardian plendour of the RAC in London, iith family and onlookers qually represented by six a ide, Sir Robert Lawrence, as ead of the family, read the orporation's Will, disclosing a .ading profit of £10.3 million in s last nine months of its xistence to September 30, 980, which was only £1.7 -Mon lower than in the orresponding period of 1979. Press representatives, omewhat depleted by a rash of onferences that day, sat at mall round tables and liscussed the report with the orporation's leaders with lenteel informality. I would not lave been surprised if the palm ourt orchestra had struck up vith a selection from The Lertered Bride.
My mind went back some 30 ears to packed, smoke-filled, obust Press conferences at vhich the annual reports of the lritish Transport Commission were presented defensively in a iolitically charged, hostile tmosphere. Now it is all tea and ympathy.