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Another Go At Debt?
TRANSPORT SECRETARY Norman Fowler hopes to make a statement "in due course" on an independent appraisal of the financial effect of the allocation of debt between particular......
Glasgow Relieved?
THE SCOTTISH Traffic Commissioners have granted major Glasgow area service revisions to two Scottish Bus Group companies in a move which could precede the final death of......
Fiat Bus
MOSELEY has extended i range of coach bodies import( into Britain with the introdu tion of a new Caetano 18-seat on Fiat 60F10 chassis. Specification includes m, quette......
Lt Order Threatens Mcw
LONDON TRANSPORT's decision to give its entire 1982 double-de( bus order to Leyland could force Metro-Cammell Weyrnann to a) almost half its Birmingham workforce at present......
Fowler Hostile On Lt Fares
THE GOVERNMENT was last week pressed to recommend a passenger transport authority for Greater London, but Transport Secretary, Norman Fowler, refused to give a snap answer.......