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1-1-1f Standards Are They Safe?
\ICE AGAIN the public are iing tempted to carry out pairs on their vehicles by the I-Y magazines (recently Ivertised on the television). I realize that this is nothing :w, but I......
Drawbar Drawbacks?
YOUR COMPREHENSIVE article (CM May 231 on the Fruehauf GLZ drawbar outfit was most interesting, and shows a big step forward for original thinking, upon which the designers......
Blown Out On Michelins
MAY I pass on a word of warning to all those motorists who might be gullible and possibly foolish enough to believe all they see and hear in TV advertising. I refer to a current......
Things Can Only Get Better
IN REPLY to S. Holmes (CM, May 16) and J. Hamilton (CM, April 4) you are too young and I am too old at 49. Made redundant eight months ago, 25 years in the business, hold CPC,......
Search For Dad's Old Buses
BETWEEN the two Great World Wars, my father, Leonard Weaver, pioneered the commercial use of passenger vehicles, later to be called "omnibuses" in the Barnsley, Silkstone,......