Accessories and Garage Equipment at the Scottish Show
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A Brief Review of Some of the Exhibits of Special Interest to the Commercial vehicle User, in the Accessory and Garage Equipment Sections
N0 fewer than 80 concerns which manufacture garage equipment, and accessories or components for commercial vehicles are exhibiting at the Scottish Show. These sections form, therefore, an important part of the Exhibition, and transport operators will find much to interest them on the many stands occupied by accessory and equipment makers. We give below a brief review of some of the exhibits of special interest, and, for the convenience of the reader, the stands are dealt with
in numerical order. . On Stand 107, Avery-Hardoll, Ltd., 111, Sainsbury Road, London, N.W.6, has on view three examples of petrol pump. The AH.288 model is electrically operated and incorporates a radial arm. Another electrically operated pump is the A11.298-type, which is equipped with a pre-setting device, an automatic cut-out being incorporated to obviate the need for watching the dial. The third exhibit is the makers' latest form of hand-operated meter pump.
Garage Equipment on View. • Well known for its wide range of garage equipment is E. P. Barrus, Ltd.. 35-37, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4, and on Stand 108 a big variety of equipment is seen. Of special interest, perhaps, is the 'Arrow lubrication equipment, whilst the Van Norman Perfecto boring bar is another product worthy of attention. Hydraulic lifts, brake-testing equipment, and many tools for various purposes are also to the fore. Maintenance engineers in particular will find food for thought on Stand 109. where C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., Wakefield House, Cheapside, London, E.C.2, is demonstrating its high-pressure lubrication equipment. The speedy service available at the 200 Castrol Lubrequipment stations which are now in operation may be gauged. Stand 110 is occupied by Tecalemit, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, which is also featuring lubrication equipment. Prominent amongst the comprehensive range of exhibits is a variety of Tecalemit lubrication batteries, together with the useful hosereel feature recently introduced.
The Pneugrippa Process Demonstrated.
The approach of winter conditions makes the demonstration of the Tecalemit electric brake-tester of special interest, whilst olierators should not miss seeing a demonstration of the Pneugrippa process for grooving tyres.
Single-stage and two-stage air compressors are seen on the stand of the Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd., 165, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4 (113). Worthy of special notice are the new vertically mounted units; the method of mounting is made possible only by the
careful balancing of the compressor.
Products of the Accles and Pollock concern form a big section of the exhibits of Gerard Wakeham, 5, Douglas Lane, Glasgow (Stand 114). Tubular seats and examples of tubes, cold rolled sections, etc., are to be seen, and the exhibits are completed by a range of Beckmeter petrol pumps and oil units. Maker of the well-known Layrub universal joint, the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheffield, is showing, on Stand 115, a wide range of garage equipment; prominent features include an improved lubrication system, a variety of hydraulic jacks and a vertical-pattern connecting-rod liner.
On Stand 121 the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, has on view examples of its range of garage equipment. The company also shows many types of pneumatic tyre on Stand 155. Of special interest is the 18 x 7 " Squat " tyre for industrial trucks. This tyre is of particular value where it is desired to Change from solids to pneumatics, and the maximum-width tread is noteworthy Sectioned models of tle latest designs in electrical and fuel-injection equipment is the main feature of the exhibits of C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3 (Stand 126). Visitors will be in
terestecl in the two sectioned fuel-injection pumps for six-cylindered engines, an'd the recently introduced pneumatic speed governor should be noted, Among the items of electrical equipment are the C.A.V.-Nife alkaline battery, the D.8C dynamo and the well-known BS.6 axial starter. The use of hardened cylinder liners in commercial-vehicle engines is increasing, and, on Stand 128, Sheei)bridge Stokes (Engine Liners), Ltd., Middlesex Street, Glasgow, is showing examples of Centrard nitrogen-hardened liners. A novel feature on the stand of Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., 6-18, Cannon Street. London, E.C.4 (129), will be a giant replica of a box of -Duckham Adcoids with the tablets themselves gradually diminishing to actual size, the last dropping into the tank of a vehicle which stands by a petrol pump.
Pistons in Various Alloys.
A wide range of pistons in cast-iron, lieplex low-expansion silicon alloy, Hepolite and Y-alloy is featured by Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, on Stand 132. This concern also has on view piston rings, gudgeon pins and Vacrit liners. Amongst the makers of sparking plugs the Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., 88, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, is well known, and on Stand 139 this company exhibits its range of plugs recommended for commercial vehicles of all
c45 types. The Champion plug tester and cleaner is also being demonstrated.
Dagenite batteries are featured by Peto and Radford, 107a, Pimlico Road, London, S.W.1, on Stand 144. Amongst the range may be seen the class of battery supplied to London Transport for use on its buses.
Of primary interest on the stand of Englebert Tyres, Ltd., 162, Gt. Portland Street, London, W.1 (146), is the new AD. giant pneumatic tyre.
Firestone and Olclucid tyres are featured by Clarkson and Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., Davidson Street, Glasgow, on Stand 148. For heavy duty work the Ground-Grip pattern is noteworthy.
Young batteries form the exhibits of Day and Night Auto-Serve, Ltd., 285 295, Clyde Street, Glasgow (Stand 150). Electric-traction types and batteries for goods and passenger vehicles are seen.
A Novel Oil Filter.
Recording instruments for commercial vehicles are becoming increasingly used, and the Scriptor recorder—a product of S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2—may be seen on Stand 156. The new Smith oil filter is another exhibit worthy of attention, whilst a complete range of Smith instruments and instrument panels is on view, together with a range of the company's lamps and speedometers.
A well-designed fog lamp is indispensable for vehicles engaged on night duties, and on Stand 158 may be seen examples from the Lucas range. The FT.37 model will catch the eye of the commercial-vehicle operator, and it is designed to give a low fiat-topped beam free from dazzle or back glare. Lucas batteries are also featured on this stand, and the acid-level indicator and newtype vent plugs are worthy of inspection. A comprehensive range of lighting and starting equipment is also open to inspection.
A working model, showing how the John Bull tyre is produced, is a novel exhibit on the stand of the John Bull Rubber Co., Ltd., Evington Valley Mills, Leicester (159). The John Bull truck tyre is on view, together with a variety of other accessories.
A Safety Glass Display.
On the stand of Triplex (Northern), Ltd., Eccleston Works, St. Helens (160), examples of the latest bent Triplex toughened glass, specially designed for use in passenger vehicles, may be seen. This glass is, it is claimed, proof against discoloration, blisters and similar defects, and, when broken, it crumbles into small harmless fragments.
On Stand 162 the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., 205, High Street, Glasgow, is showing ei`arnples of its commercial
vehicle tyres. Both highand lowpressure giant pneumatics are featured. and the Avon Duo-Tread pattern is worthy of attention.
Of primary interest to commercialvehicle users on Stand 165 is the range of Exide-Ironclad batteries shown by the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Clifton Junction, nr. Manchester.
c46 The latest Simms fuel pumps, injec • tors and filters are available for inspection on Stand 167 (Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Gresse Street, London, S.W.1). In addition, the company is exhibiting examples from its range of electrical equipment, together with couplings, magnetic filters, Vortex air cleaners, etc.
Known as the Q-type tyre, and having a tread of unusual design, a new India tyre is to be seen on Stand 169 (India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Inchinnan, Scotland). A feature of the design is that stones are automatically ejected from the tread when the vehicle is working in quarries or on flinty. roads, etc. Another interesting exhibit is the India Super-Traction tyre for use over rough ground, whilst examples of the India Giants are on view.
Henley Vanguard giant tyres and the RG. heavy-duty giant pneumatics are featured on Stand 172 by Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Christopher Street, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2. The new .RG. tyre provides maximum grip, and the new tread pattern is worthy of inspection.
On Stand 173, occupied by Turner and Co., 175-181, George Street, Glasgow, Delco-Remy ignition equipment ii shown; the automatic vacuum ignition control is worthy of note. Hyatt roller bearings, AC, fuel pumps, speedometers and gauges, sparking plugs and filters, and BI. Helsby cables complete the exhibits.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton, is featuring on Stand 177 its new Stop-Start giant Pneumatic. Other examples of commercial-vehicle tyres on view are the Full All-Weather Tread, the type H and the Grooved All-Weather Tread.
Hallite jointing, and a good display of copper and asbestos cylinder head gaskets, manifold joints, pump packings, etc., are to be seen on the stand of Hall and Hall, Ltd., Oldfield Works, Hampton, Middlesex (180). Phiberoid jointing material, which is resistant to both oil and petrol, and Hall's Corkinsert are also on view.
A wide variety of equipment, including Desmo and Lucas fog lamps, horns, windscreen wipers, etc., is to be seen on the stand of Brown Primrose and Smyth, Ltd., 172, West George Street, Glasgow, C.2 (190).
On Stand 191, Young Windows, Mill Road, Wishaw, is exhibiting full and half-drop windows.
Space precludes reference to the exhibits of all the concerns having stands in these sections, and below is given a list, with stand numbers, of those not mentioned above.
F. W. Murray, -34, Bath Street, Glasgow (111). Accessories (Edinburgh), Ltd., 4, Queensferry Street Lane. FAinburgh (112). Garage Equipment, Co., 31-33, Douglas Street, Glasgow (116). Lawrie Brothers, Ltd., 16, Dixon Street, Glasgow (117). Swan, Tennent• and MMeekin, 8, Dixon Street, Glasgow (118). James Robertson, 95, West Nile Street, Glasgow (119). Thomson and Brown Brothers, Ltd., 126, George Street, Street, Edinburgh (120). Wayne Tank and Pump Co., Ltd., Wayne Works, New. lands Park, London, 0.E.. (122). V. L. Churchill and Co., Ltd., 27-35, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, London, S.E.11 (123). Automotive Parts and Accessories, 332-334, Euston Road, London, N.W.1 (124). S. F. Bowser,. and Co., Ltd., 72, St.. Anne's Hill, Wandsworth, London, S.W.18 (125). Matt Taylor, Ltd., 4, West Regent Street, Glasgow (127). William Anderson and Co., 113-117, C,owgate, Dundee (130). Lancegaye Gilt Edge Sales, Ltd., 44, South Portland Street, Glasgow (131). M'Kenzie, Wylie and Co., 35-37, Pitt Street, Glasgow (133). British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 64, Wellington Street, Glasgow (134). Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 64, Wellington Street, Glasgow (135). West of Scotland Engineering Motor and Welding Co., Ltd.; 131, Houldsworth Street, Glasgow 1136). Alex. Cheyne (Aberdeen), Ltd., 8, Union Row, Aberdeen'1137). Swan, Tennent and MMeekin, 8, Dixon Street, Glasgow (138). James Robertson, 93, West Nile Street, Glasgow (140). Scottish Cars, Ltd., 85, Titwood Road, Glasgow (141). 1). B. Irvine, 120, Bothwell Street, Glasgow (142). Lawrie Brothers, Ltd., 16; Dixon Street, Glasgow (143). Fraser Brothers and Grant, 263, High Street, Glasgow (145). Mansons, Ltd., 105-113, Bath Street, Glasgow (147). J. Ireland and Sons, 22, Bell Street, Hendee 1149). Park Motor Co., Ltd., 15-17, Dunsmuir Street, Govan, Glasgow 1151). Edmunds, Walker and Co., 118, Bothwell Street, Glasgow (152). Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., Minoco Wharf, West Silvertown, London, E.16 (153). C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 55, Cheapside Street, Glasgow (154). Thomson and Brown Brothers, Ltd., 126, George Street,
Edinburgh (157). Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 118, Queen Street Glasgow (161). Redline.Ghco, Ltd., 102, Hope Street Glasgow (163). Edinburgh Rubber Co., Ltd., 178182, Rose Street, Edinburgh (164). Sternol, Ltd., 16, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2 (166). Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., Battersea, London, S.W.11 (168). Scottish Oils and ShellMeg, Ltd., and National Benzoic Co., Ltd., 53, Bothwell Street, Glasgow 1170). British Oil and Turpentine Corporation, Ltd., 71, Commerce Street, Glasgow (171). Thomas Parsons and Sons, Ltd., 54, Queen Street, Edinburgh (174). North British Machine Co., Ltd., 200-214, Clyde Street, Glasgow (175). Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., 400, East Cathedral Street, Glasgow (176). Carless, Capel and Leonard, 104, Coshill Street, Glasgow (178). Challenge Oils, Ltd., Howard Works, Howard Road, Stoke Newington, London, N.1 (179). Latex Upholstery, Ltd., 41, Sansdale Road, London, W.11 (181).Munro and Co., 28, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow (184). The Waterproofing Co., Ltd., Fereneze Works, Barrhead (188). Acre Rubber Co., Ltd., 23, Turnbull Street, Glasgow (189)•