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Suggested Economy In Cotton Transport.
A suggestion that the cotton industry should establish a central warehouse for cotton goods, similar to the bonded warehouses which deal with tea and tobacccf, has been put......
Seasonal Hauliers Must Prove 4 ‘ Need."
Notwithstanding the comments of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority (supported, to some extent, by the Appeal Tribunal), concerning seasonal . carriers, Mr. W. Chamberlain,......
Case Heard In September: No Decision.
Reference was made at a sitting of the North Western Licensing Authority last week to a case loran extra vehicle. heard on September 29, in which no decision had been announced,......
I. Of T. Branch Formed At Nottingham.
A gathering widely representative of the transport industry attended the inaugural meeting, at Nottingham, on November 6, of an East Midland section of the Institute of......
Orders Dependent On Road Transport R Efusat. To - Give...
fruit, unless delivery could' be. effected the following morning, was an argument put forward on behalf of Messrs j E. Kirby and Son, of Yfartham, when they applied for a......
I Coventry Cross - Examines S.t.r.
THE keenest discussion that has yet followed any address by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, took place last week at Coventry. The audience, in the main, consisted of......
Traders Condemn Railway Inefficiency
TRAFFORD PARR, Manchester's I big dock estate, representing some £40,000,009 capital', employing 30,000 workpeople and sending out 3,000,000 tons of goods per annum, wants every......