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N this issue we include a re port of the most important display of commercial vehicles to be staged in Britain this year, and...
H IGHLY elaborate mechanism, such as that 'incorporated in the modern commercial vehicle, obviously requires befittingly...
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Keep Your Tyres THE vital importance of at the Correct maintaining the correct Pressure pre,ssure in pneumatic tyres is not...
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Marked progress in rates stabilization was reported at a general meeting, last Friday, of Glasgow and District Horse and Motor...
It is understood that the result of the poll of A.R.O. members taken on • October 27 showed a big majority in support of the...
An engineer-designer with extensive experience with commercial vehicles, private cars, aero engines, and particularly oil...
The definition of " special circumstances" in which motor drivers convicted of offences under the Road Traffic Act can escape...
Nov. 13.21.—cottish Motor Show roMmercial Section), Kelvin Hall, Glasgow. Nev. 10.21.—Public Health Eshibition, Royal....
The rear-axle weight of four-wheeled pneumatic-tyred vehicles is not to be increased to 9 tons. This announcement is conveyed...
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A suggestion that the cotton industry should establish a central warehouse for cotton goods, similar to the bonded warehouses...
Notwithstanding the comments of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority (supported, to some extent, by the Appeal Tribunal),...
Reference was made at a sitting of the North Western Licensing Authority last week to a case loran extra vehicle. heard on...
A gathering widely representative of the transport industry attended the inaugural meeting, at Nottingham, on November 6, of an...
fruit, unless delivery could' be. effected the following morning, was an argument put forward on behalf of Messrs j E. Kirby...
THE keenest discussion that has yet followed any address by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, took place last week at...
TRAFFORD PARR, Manchester's I big dock estate, representing some £40,000,009 capital', employing 30,000 workpeople and sending...
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Raw cotton from America, Egypt and India, arriving at Manchester Docks, via the Ship Canal, was the subject of discussion at a...
A DVICE as to his liability under the Stamp Acts, in respect of agreements presented to him in the course of his duties, is...
THE DUKE OF KgHT, KG., K.T., is to open the new Coalite plant of Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., at Bolsover, Derbyshire,...
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Six new mobile repair "workshops for servicing trolleybuses en route will • shortly be operated by London Passenger Transport...
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I N his contribution to your issue dated November 6, Mr. J. Bradbury has hit the nail on the head—the failure of small owners...
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Latest Multiwheeler 15-ton Trailer Echelon Arrangement of Rear Wheels Permits Lighter Construction and has Other Advantages ....
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The Pioneer Work of a Well-known Carlisle Concern which Introduced the First Tiered Cattle Carrier for Road Use. Useful Advice...
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Big C.M.U.A. Manchester Meeting Listens to Forecasts of Additional Renewals : Difficulties F OR.ECASTS of still further...
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Short Road transport Narratives from Scotland Dealing with the Diverse Activities of Some Leading Operators of Goods and...
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In Parliament NO SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR MAIL-VAN DRIVERS. A MONG questions asked in the House of Commons, one of considerable...
A CASE of considerable interest to agricultural hauliers was heard at Forfar, last week, when Mr. Alfred Wilkie, Woodville...
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Stabilized Wages PPOINTED by the Ministers of Labour and Transport, the COM■ mittee of inquiry into wages and conditions of...
U NDER the chairmanship of Sir James Baillie, the Government committee of inquiry has already taken a great deal of evidence....
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The chairman asked whether, if motor road transport were brought into a position somewhat analogous to that of the railways, it...
Two Railways Oppose Yorkshire Application. Objectors Have No Locus Standi A RAILWAY attempt to oppose a road-transport...
A 5-tonner Weighing Under tons Unladen, and a 4-tonner in the same Taxation Class r A N the eve of the Scottish Show, the 1...
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with novel hydraulic control A New Transmission which Enables a Vehicle to be Controlled by Only Two Pedals and Affords a Very...
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Stand by Stand Around the 36 Commercialmotor Stands in the Commercial Section of the Scottish Motor Show, which is being held...
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...paid in Germany to the encouragement of home-produced motor fuel. With the object of giving further impetus to the...
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A Brief Review of Some of the Exhibits of Special Interest to the Commercial vehicle User, in the Accessory and Garage...
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Rail Offensive on A-licence Renewals Opens in Yorkshire with Four-day Hearing A LLEGATIONS that the railways were attempting...
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As Early as 1932 the Alexander Concern Operated Oilengined Buses and Now Has 462 of This Type By Walter Alexander, Managing...
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WHEN Mr. F. G. Cowling, 15, FalVV condale Road, Bristol, applied last week for a renewal of his A licence for 12 vehicles (29...
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a direct-injection oil engine and a five-speed gearbox A Four-cylinderd 6i-litre Unit to Power Lancet Passenger Chassis, and a...
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Latest Figures Reveal Advances in Both Goods and Passenger Vehicles O I - INCE again a satisfactory state of Ii..../affairs is...
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O N November 30, shareholders in the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., will be asked to sanction an increase of the...
D ISSATISFACTION is rife in Ulster concerning the compensation paid by Northern Ireland Transport Board to bus operators. It is...
NEWPORT Corporation has decided -I to substitute oilers for trams, states The Commercial Motor South Wales correspondent. As...
MEW terms have been arranged for - 1 -. 1 employees of bus companies in the Skewen, Neath and Maesteg areas and will take...
O Sunday (November 15) London Transport will inaugurate a new trolleybus service from Shepherd's Bush to Uxbridge, in place of...
O RDERS made by the Minister of Transport, concerning the carriage of children free of charge, have been discussed at a special...
S UBJECT to the advice of counsel, Northampton Corporation is to appeal against the East Midland Traffic Commissioners' grant...
F OLLOWING the refusal of the Traffic Commissioners to grant Messrs. Macrae and Dick a licence to run a bus service which would...
12-Journey Tickets S TRONG criticism of the L.N.E. Railway Co. was voiced, last week, when the 12-journey bus-ticket inquii y...
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C ARDIFF Corporation committee are considering plans for the proposed bus station, to cost about £100,000, on the site now...
T O execute "get - you - home " repairs on buses en route, all depots of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., have just been supplied...
F OLLOWING negotiations between A.R.O. and London Transport re-. garding differing fares to Hurst. Park. and Kempton Park race...
THE alleged illogical attitude of cer tain clergymen with regard to Sunday bus services was referred to by Mr. A. Henderson,...
I NTERESTING fi gures were quoted at the 10th annual staff dinner of Crosville Motor Services, Ltd. It was stated that the...
A PPLICA.I■ITS have great difficulty in stating precisely the goods carried, said Mr. J. Lustgarten, quoting a report by Mr....
railways) said the application was made to rectify the position and to enable the applicants to do what they did in the basic...
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A Running Commentary on the Vehicles and Appliances to be Shown by the Leading Makers in the Industry at an Important...
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NEW COMPANIES. C. Atkinson (Tyres), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. Nov. 4. Cap. 41,000 in £1 shares of which 500 are 5 per cent....