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Shock for Renewal Applicant

13th November 1936, Page 107
13th November 1936
Page 107
Page 107, 13th November 1936 — Shock for Renewal Applicant
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WHEN Mr. F. G. Cowling, 15, FalVV condale Road, Bristol, applied last week for a renewal of his A licence for 12 vehicles (29 tons 14 cwt.), Mr. A. F. Nicholson, Western Licensing AuthOrity, servei him with a notice of an inquiry to see whether he was a fit and proper person to hold a licence.

On October 2, 1935, the Licensing Authority gave the applicant a warning with reference to the maintenance of his vehicles. Since that date, Mr. Cowling had .been convicted on a charge concerning drivers' hours and one of his drivers had been convicted for speeding.

Mr. T. 0. Corpe, for the applicant, said that at the time of the warning Mr. Cowling was looking out for better premises and he had now obtained a new garage at a cost of over £3,000, with the latest equipment for repairs, and extra mechanics had been engaged. Since January of this year be had purchased five new vehicles at a cost of £2,300 and seven new machines were on order, at a cost of £3,062, and would be delivered shortly.

" With reference to the drivers' hours convictions," said Mr. Corpe, "the applicant has already paid the penalty, and I submit it would be a great hardship if he were to be punished again. I submit that the applicant has done all he can with reference to the maintenance of his vehicles and I do not think you will have any further trouble from him."

Mr. Nicholson said that he intended to have a copy of the shorthand notes and if he found that Mr. Cowling did not properly maintain his vehicles in the future, proceedings would be taken against him.