Municipal Exhibits a the Public Health Exhibition
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A Running Commentary on the Vehicles and Appliances to be Shown by the Leading Makers in the Industry at an Important Exhibition which Opens in London on THE fifth Public Health Congress and Exhibition will be opened at the Royal Agricultural Hall at noon on Monday next, November 16, by Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister of Health, and most of the leading commercial-vehicle makers with municipal interests will have representative examples of their products ir this field on view.
The Exhibition is open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., the public being admitted for ls. 2d. During each Afternoon there will be demonstrations of various types of municipal vehicle in the Gilbey Hall, whilst on Friday, November 20, at 4 p.m., the demonstration and judging of street-cleansing, refuse-collection and other types by judges appointed by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers will be held, C the many papers to be read during the course of the Exhibition, one by Mr. H.
Ardern , A .M. I. Mech.E., F.Inst, P.C., director _ of public cleansing, Westminster, dealing with " The Compression o f House and Trade Refuse During Collection," has a special interest for readers of this journal.
Our next issue will contain A. critiaal commentary on the exhibits.
Making their bow at exhibitions of this kind will be the products of ELECTRIC VANS, LTD., 14-16, The Colonnade, Russell Square, London, W.C.1. They will be shown on Stand 30, and will comprise a municipal vehicle known as ' the city orderly," a flat platform truck suitable for factory use, and an hygienic bread-delivery van. They are all hand-controlled electric outfits and can deal with 4-cwt. loads.
CHARLES H. PUGH, LTD., Whitworth Works, Birmingham, will exhibit, on Stand SO, a range of Atco motor mowers suitable for maintaining any area of turf. The Atco tractor—a light twowheeled multi-purpose unit for ploughing, hoeing, seeding, etc.—will also be shown.
Among the exhibits on Stand 61 of TuKE AND BELL, LTD., Lichfield, Staffs, will be certain 'products of interest to our readers, these being a road-gritting attachment and an independent roadgritting machine for trailing behind any type of motor vehicle.
Suitable for use on sports grounds, aerodromes, etc., is the Advance lightweight motor roller, which will be displayed on Stand 62 by WALLIS AND STEEVENS, LTD., Basingstoke. It has wide rims for grass rolling.
A Dodge 34-ton chassis will be used by JOHN SHERWOOD, 51, Cornwall Road, London, W.11, to draw attention, on Stand 72, to the features of the
Ideal refuse collection body, . • xvhich is of 6i cubic yds. capacity. Fitted with S.M. dustless-loading shutters, the vehicle can work with a bin orderly.
ALEXANDER SHANKS AND SON, LTD., 66, Victoria Street, London, S,W.1, will have on view, on Stand 74, a range of its motor mowers. The Rajah 36-in. outfit, which is suitable for sports grounds, small parks and estates, has a J.A.P. 6 h.p. engine.
A feature that is certain to attract attention on the Talbot ambulance, to be displayed on Stand 75 by CLEMENT TALBOT, LTD., Barlby Road, London, W.10, is the neW easy-loading ramp, which simplifies the task of loading and unloading stretcher cases. As will be seen from an accompanying picture, it avoids the use of steps, and, apart from giving the patient a sense of security,
the stretcher bearers are not subject to fatigue. The low loading line of the chassis enables the incline of the ramp to be made quite gradual. The body is of the company's standard pattern.
The chassis is specifically designed for ambulance work, and is powered by a six-cylindered engine.
Three types of modem refuse collector, based on Fordson chassis, will be featured among the exhibits of the FORD MOV3R CO., LTD., Dagenham, On Stand 76. A 2-ton 13-ft. 1-in.-wheelbase chassis will carry an Eagle body of 7 cubic yds. capacity.
A 3-tonner with a similar wheelbase will be used to stress the merits of the Ideal refuse body. Another 3-tonuer, designed for end loading, will incorporate a Transport moving floor in its construction. Both these chassis are powered by the Ford eight-cylindered engine.
Another exhibit will be a new-type general-purpose ambulance, based on the Fordson 25-cwt. forward-control c'hassis. A feature of the body is its spaciousness in relation to the compact overall dimensions.
The company's smallest exhibit will be a 5-cwt van, specially fitted for carrying tools and equipment of the type needed by the service engineer.
Many municipal officials will find the Fordson Tug, which is suitable for refuse-collection work with trailers, worthy of inspection.
An example of the Lewin vacuum sprinkler-sweeper-collector will be to the fore on Stand 79, which will be occupied by LEWIN ROAD SWEEPERS, LTD., Leeds. A modified Bedford 2-ton short-wheelbase chassis serves as the basis of this machine, which sweeps and collects, channels included, under all climatic conditions, except snow, i.e., wet or dry, without artificial watering. When sweeping, dry dust disturbed by the brush is drawn through a suc tion apparatus and retainedin speciallY constructed bags. The teel body consists of three compartments, that in the
centre being for heavy sweepings and . .
having a capacity of 60 cubic it., whilst two side, dust compartments have a capacity of 20 cubic ft.each: ,
In addition, the company is 'to display aUniversal foot-controlled sweeper-collector.
On Stand 80, VAUXHALL • MOTORS, LTD., Luton, will be represented by two ambulances and a refuse collector. For one of the former, the Vauxhall sixcylinder chassis is employed, and the body is replete with all those aiticles needed for ambulance duties. The other ambulance will be the Bedford de luxe model, in which Carter's stretcher elevating gear is employed.
For the refuse collector, a Bedford 2-ton long-wheelbase chassis is em ployed; Bromilow • and Edwards hydraulic gear gives an angle of 45 degrees for tipping.
Karriers on Three Stands.
Three stands will be given over_to a display of the municipal products of
/CARRIER MOTORS, LTD., Luton. A group of four refuse-collection outfits and a gully and cesspit emptier will be given prominence on Stand 82 and 83, whilst on Stand 110 will be displayed an RSC sweeper-collector, with a 90cubic-ft. body, and a Colt three-wheeled sweeper.
The smallest of the refuse. collectors will be a 5-cubic-yd. machine, based on the Colt chassis. Next, in order of size, will be a Bantam collector of 7 cubic
cOO yds. capacity, this having an hydraulically tipped body with two sliding steel covers on each side. Then comes a CK3 10-cubic-yd. collector of the side-loading van-type. The last of the refuse collectors will be a trailer outfit, the 15-cubic-yd. van collector, with Transport moving floor, being coupled up to a Cob Senior mechanical horse.
Outstanding among gully-emptiers will be the 750-gallon Karrier-Yorkshire machine,
With an array of 11 exhibits, SCANIMELL LORRIES, LTD., 52-54, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, will have one of the largest displays on view. Apart from five products to be shown on Stand 84, in the Main Hall, there will be six vehicles for demonstration.
Among the former will be two refuse collectors, one a 6-cubic-yd. threewheeled outfit, and the other a 12-cubicyd. carrier coupled up to a standard 3-ton municipal-type three-wheeled motive. unit. The advantage of this class of unit is that several carriers can he used in conjunction with one motive unit, which is of value when the refusedisposal point is some distance from the area of collection. A 3-ton mechanical horse will also be shown independently.
A street-washing carrier, of 1,200 gallons capacity will be shown coupled up to a 3-ton mechanical horse.
A variety of carriers -for different classes of service will be demonstrated in the Gilbey. Hall, in conjunction with a 3-ton mechanical-horse motive unit.
JOHN FOWLER ANDCO. (LEEDS), LTD., Leeds, will be represented on
Stand 85 by .a trailer-type gullyemptier, coupled -up to a Scamenell mechanical horse, this being an invaluable outfit for use in confined areas and where sharp corners abound.
Another Fowler exhibit will be the Precision oil-engined road roller, which weighs 8 tons in working order. It is equipped with the FowlerSanders 20 b.hep. two-cylindered oil engine.
As a specialist in municipal vehicles, SHELVOKE AND DREWRY, LTD., Letchworth, will have to the fore, on Stand 86, two 10-cubic-yd. dust carts. An S.D. Freighter gully-emptier will also
be on view. A container vehicle, carrying several sizes of refuse container used for the collection of refuse at flats, schools, m trkets, etc., will also be prominent, and the exhibit will be completed by an interesting self-loading dust cart, which works on a new principle.
On Stand 89, JOHNSTON BROTHERS (CONTRACTORS), LTD., 35, Crutched Friars, London, E.C.3, will stage a combined sweeping and collecting machine, a feature of which is the flexibly mounted channel brush on the near side.
Prominent among the exhibits on the stand (91) of H. PATTISSON AND CO., LTD., Stanmore, will be a 30-cwt. roller, propelled by an 8 h.p. fourcylindered engine, and a dual-purpose tractor with a detachable tipping body.
A New Dennis Road Sweeper.
To represent its municipal side, DENNIS BROTHERS, LTD., Guildford, is sending to the Show, for display on Stand 92, a couple of refuse collectors, a gully-emptier, a new-model road sweeper and a lawn mower. One of the collectors will be a side-loading model with a capacity of 10 cubic yds., whilst the other, which accommodates 15 cubic yds., is designed for rear loading, and embodies a moving floor. Both bodies are mounted on the 9-ft.
6-in, wheelbase chassis. The gullyemptier will be a 700-gallon outfit. The new road sweeper is certain to attract much notice, and the brash,
which is carried below the frame at an angle, sweeps to a width of 6 ft. When inspecting the exhibit, a point to note is the ease with which a worn brush can be replaced.
Several vehicle makers will display products in which the Transport moving floor is incorporated, and the maker of this device, TRANSPORT ENGINEERING, LTD., 561, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1, will exhibit, independently, on Stand 93, two collectors in which its floor is embodied. One, a rear-loading 12-15-cubic-yd. outfit based on the Dennis 3-ton chassis, will be available for demonstration in the Gilbey Hall; the other will be a propeller refuse-collecting body, made in cylindrical form in order to with stand the strain of compression. It has engine-operated mechanism. This
body will be mounted on: a,Dennis six
wheeled chassis.
On -Stand 94, WALKER BROTHERS (WIGAN), LTD., Wigan, wilt show the Pagefield Phcenbc. -refuse collector, which is designed to deal in an economical and hygienic -manner with the contents of containers, thereby obviating the need for removing them bodily. Special equipment has been fitted on a standard Pagefield Prodigy refuse collector to enable it to be used for two purposes.
The Compressmore Body.
THE EAGLE ENGANEER/NG CO., LTD., Warwick, will be represented by three of its products on Stand .95. A Thornycroft PE/AC4 chassis will carry a 15cubic-yd. Compressmore rear-loading refuse-collection body, in which the taiidoor forms the compressing barrier.
A combined gully and cesspit emptier, of approximately 550 gallons capacity, will also be on view, alongside an interesting two-wheeled trailer built to do duty as a dental clinic.
GARNER MOTORS, LTD., North Acton Road, 'London, N.W.10, will have a street-washing and flushing machine on view on Stand 97, as well as a refuse collector, the former being a 550-gallon outfit, based on the 044 forward-control .chassis, and the latter a 7-cubicyd. machine with HRC sliding shutters, in which the 046 low-loading forward-control chassis is employed.
Only two alterations have-been made to the standard Monarch petrol-engined chassis that will be exhibited, on. Stand 100, by the ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Co., LTD., Southall, Middlesex, with an Ideal refuse-collecting body. One modification is the lengthening of the normal short wheelbase of 12 ft, 1 in. to 12 ft. 7 ins., and the other the dropping of the subframe to allow for the tipping gear. The vehicle is given a striking appearance, the full-fronted cab lining up with the top and sides of the refuse container, which possesses
several distinctive features. • Drum-shaped. the container is divided into two compartments by a baffle plate. The main section is the container proper, the smaller one being a collecting hopper. This is filled with refuse and the body rotated upwards by a tipping screw to an angle of about 110 degrees, Stand 101 will be occupied by Et.EcrwrcARs, LTD., Lawley Street, Birmingham, and will house four vehicles, three of them being refuse collectors. The largest, a 15-19-cubicyd. machine, has a rear-loading barriertype body. The second collector will take a 12-cubic-yd. load, and is based on a six-wheeled chassis of the lowloading type, whilst the third will be a standard 24-ton side-loader.
The exhibit will be completed by a 10-cwt. platform truck.
JOHN I. THORNYCROFT AND CO., LTD., Smith Square, London, S.W.1, intends to display, on Stand 103, a Sturdy forward-6ontrol chassis carrying an Eagle 12-15-cubic-yd. box-type body, with a hand-operated rubber
movable floor. The loading line is 4 ft. 6 ins, above the rear sliding step, which is 12 ins, from ground level. A. barrier is attached to the floor for compressing the load against the taildoor.
Surveyors and park superintendents will 'find, ,amongst other .exhibits, on the stand (104) to be occupied by THOMAS GREEN AND SON, LTD., Southwark Street, London, S.E.1, a new 1-ton motor roller, which will undertake certain of the work for which they are responsible.
The Allan Taylor park and road tractor, which is designedfor mowing parkla.nrls, and the conveyance of mowers from park to park, in addition to other forms of transport work, will be exhibited on Stand 104a, by the ALLAN TAYLOR ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURTNG CO., High Street, London, S.W.18,
Two Austin Ambulances.
Two well-equipped ambulances will serve to draw attention, on Stand 106, to this side of the activities of the AUSTIN MOTOR CO., :LTO., Longbridge Works, Birmingham. One will be based on a 20 h.p, chassis and the other on an 18 h.p. chassis. The former is built as a fever ambulance, and is for delivery, to Bognor Regis Urban District Council. A low loading level is obtained by off-setting the engine and the rear axle. Stratford-on-Avon
authorities have purchased the other model, which also has Lomas stretcher, gear.
GUY Mirroas, LTD., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, has chosen the Vixen forward-control chassis as the basis of a 12-cubic-yd. rear-loading refuse collector, incorporating the Principality moving floor, for display on Stand 107. A 7-cubic-yd refuse collector will also be shown, based on the Wolf chassis. The body and the gear by which it is tipped are of Eagle manufacture.
The Vulcan 2-ton forward-control refuse collector, to be displayed by BROMILOW AND EDWARDS, LTD., Foundry Street, Bolton, on Stand 108, incorporates a Principality moving floor, which is embodied in the design of the barrier-type body. Also to be shown will be a chassis frame, to draw attention to the components of a twinram low-loading-type end-tipping gear.
On Stand 119, WILLIAM BITNCE AND SON, Ashbury, Swindon, will display an all-steel snow-plough attachment for motor vehicles and a gritting machine.