Mr. Bridges Buys Again A Cinema !
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THE Preston haulier who recently paid a record £20,750 for fishing rights in Westmorland has just paid £10,000 for
a Preston cinema! He. is Mr. Harold Bridges, managing director of Bridges Transport. Ltd.
MT. Bridges has bought the cinema—the Empress in Eldon Street—so that his staff's private cars will be kept off the side streets near his Raglan Street depot. Another big expansion is planned at the depot, which will add a further 25,000 sq. ft. of covered accommodation to the present 45,000. The expansion will take in the staff's present car park, which regularly houses about 50 vehicles. He has bought the cinema so that its car park can be used for staff cars. He does. not wish the cars to add to traffic congestion by having them parked in surrounding side streets.
Extensions are necessary because of continuing expansion of trade. Already there are 70 vehicles operating from Raglan Street, and the extensions will allow for up to a score more. A considerable portion of the new building will be two-storey to provide additional storage space. Lack of suitable premises in Preston recently compelled Mr. Bridges to acquire a new storage warehouse in Dock Road, Lytham. with 300,000 Cu, ft. of spece.
Postal Event
SPECIAL postage staps were issued by the German Federal m
Post Office on July 3 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the world's first internal-combustion-engined road vehicle. these stamps being particular feathers in the cap of Daimler B26 Benz A.G. in that they bear the signatures and drawings of the original vehicles nf Gottleib Daimler and Carl Benz.
I was very pleased, therefore, to receive a letter from Artur Keser, Daimler-Benz's press officer, sent solely for the sake of the stamps on the envelope, which bore special franking marks also. The Stuttgart-Untertfirkheim post office used the special franking on July 3 only, the mark carrying the names of Benz and Daimler and reference to the 75th anniversary of the concern.
Fed Up?
FED up with your office? You should see what Guest Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., have done with their new headquarters at 22 Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Mind you, it's a help if somebody like Sankey-Sheldon, Ltd., is a member of your group when it comes to partitioning and office furniture. Going round their new offices I learnt something, incidentally: one of the G.K.N. group of companies—B.R.D. Co., Ltd.—are very much concerned with the manufacture of universal joints and propeller shafts. Hitherto I had associated only one name with this latter field.
Unholy Row
A N OCCURRENCE seen recently in the rush-hour traffic on rl,the streets of London: a young lady in her car attempted to change from one traffic lane to another, only to receive a loud, long horn blast from the driver of an Austin IQ-l2-cwt. van. Stationary at the traffic lights, the van driver delivered a torrent of pointed driving advice to this poor unfortunate lady, who undoubtedly retired quite crestfallen. Written in large, clear letters on the back of the van was this message. "The Faith Bus—The Good Shepherd Mission."
Stiff Upper Lip, etc.
AMID all the last-minute confusion at the Soviet Exhibition on pre-view day one calm voice did much to preserve an air of sanity. This was the regular announcement of the Test Match score over the public address system. I wonder when the Russians will be sending a Test team over—or entering for the Lorry Driver of the Year contest?