Giving industry a lift
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You're in the market for fork-lift or reach trucks. Problem is, which in a wide range is best suited for your operation? Brian Chalmers-Hunt's guide can help
HE BENEFITS of fork-lift trucks o the transport industry has leen realised from the beginling of this century, but it was inly during the last war that they vere used in significant lumbers.
From then the market really egan to take off, and the first ttachments for use with fork -ucks were made available in le late 1940s.
Most of the earlier trucks were ,etrol-engined but now they've leen almost totally superseded
the UK by diesel, lpg and lectric motive power units.
The counterbalanced truck is ow the most popular type. The )ad is carried lifted on forks iounted in a carriage which is lade to run up and down an Iection mast by a hoist mechantm, usually incorporating a hyraulic cylinder.
The counterbalanced truck is vailable mainly in three-or four/heeled versions, (that is, two /heels at the front and one or NO steerable wheels at the 3a r).
Many trucks are fitted with /yin driven wheels at the rear, ut these are set close enough )gether to give the tight turning ircle characteristic of the three/heel pattern.
Other wheel patterns and ystems, all designed to inrease manoeuvrability and reuce the turning circle, can also e obtained.
Pallet stacking trucks are beoming increasingly popular for larehouse applications. In these .ucks, the legs or outriggers arrying the leading wheels exmid beyond the centre of gravy of the load, making the truck table without the need for a ounterbalance weight.
To enable the fork to enter and ft the loaded pallet, the legs lust be either wide enough part to straddle the loaded paltt or capable of entering the paltor going under the load.
To enable insertion with free ntry pallets, the protruding legs 'lust have small diameter (heels and so these trucks canot be used over rough surfaces r over ramps. Lift-type fingers Imilar to those of the normal allet truck are also available in cldition to lifting forks.
This type of truck usually has a ery tight turning circle, which an be very useful, but its foreard protruding legs can make it nsuitable for certain applica tions such as loading lorries from the side — the lorry wheels prevent the truck from getting close enough for it to stack loads at that point.
Reach trucks come in three forms — the reaching mast truck, reaching fork truck, and reaching carriage truck.
The reaching mast type of fork truck has legs with leading wheels about 254mm (10in) in diameter and a mast unit which is designed to move forward on rollers carried in the legs. The carriage at its lowest point allows the forks to reach to floor level.
A load can be raised from the floor and then drawn back over the legs for transport. Because it is more compact than the counterbalanced type, it can operate in a narrower gangway.
The reaching fork type is similar to the reaching mast truck, but the mast is fixed and the forks are carried forward.
In the reaching carriage scissor-type the carriage which carries the forks has a lazy tong linkage so that the front plate of the carriage can move forward while the mast stays still. These trucks can be obtained with sufficient reach to load a lorry fully from one side.
To enable these trucks to be kept as compact as possible, they are electrically driven and usually have a capacity range up to three tonnes.
Sideloader fork trucks are becoming popular with those involved in the movement of timber, pipes and other long loads. Here, a mast and fork unit are built in the centre of a four-wheeled vehicle which can be moved transverseley across the chassis.
The forks can be lowered to floor level on one side of the vehicle chassis frame.
Loads can be lifted from floor level at the side of the truck, then drawn back and rested on the chassis for safe transport.
On the subject of safety, many fork-lift truck operators don't realise that the lifting chains of fork trucks must be certified and certificates of test must be provided by the manufacturers and retained by the users.
A test certificate covering th fork truck as a whole must issued by the manufacturers E. it leaves the works, but the truc still needs regular maintenanc and tests.
Safe load indicators for for lift trucks are available, but n( yet required under law. Sonmanufacturers fit them, an even then only to some type and capacities of truck. This because it is not easy to design really effective load indicator.
Now lees take a look at exact what's available if you're in tlmarket for a fork-lift or reac truck.
ACR Lift Truck Ltd is the U distributor for Allis Chalmer Wagner and System Schultheis Th.e Allis Chalmers mod, ACE30 lift truck has a capacity ( 1361kg (3,000 lb) and availabi as an option is a 3.66m (144 it two-stage mast. Power steerint overhead guard, work meter an battery discharge meter ar fitted as standard. The 2,268k (5,000 lb) capacity model similar to the ACE30 but is fitte with ACTRONIC transistorise solid-state control.
The largest capacity batten powered cushion-type fork-li truck currently available in th UK is the ACE120. It has 5,443kg (12,000 lb) capacity at 609mm (24 in) load centre up t a lifting height of 3,000mm (91. in). This model is also fitted wit ACTRONIC transistorised soli( state control.
New to the range is th ACET40 which is a lift trig specifically designed for ..cor tamer and low headroom appl cations with an overall close height of 1,491mm (7Bin) an fitted with pneumatic or cushio tyres.
This model is available i 1,361kg (3,000 lb), 1,814kg (4,00 lb) and 2,268kg (5,000 lb) capac ties. Sideshift and other attact ments are available.
Designed with warehousin and distribution in mind, th Super Compact ACC 50 1 available with the Continent F163LPG engine, autornati transmission, power steerin and cushion types.
It has a capacity of 2,268k (5,000 lb). Side-shift and threc stage mast assemblies are avai able.
The Allis Chalmers modt ACPL3 0 has a capacity c 1,361 kg (3,000 lb), and is fitte continued overlea rith an lpg engine and auto'elle transmission. Power-assted steering is standard and rres may be pneumatic or super cushion". This model is Iso available with a diesel enme.
The 2,268kg (5,000 lb) ACPD model is fitted with the erkins 4/203 clean air "Squish lp" diesel engine, automatic ansmission, full power steerg, overhead guard and upsrept exhaust. This series is also vailable in capacities up to 0,206kg (22,500 lb).
B and B (Forklift Truck Attachlents) Ltd are able to offer a Irge range of hydraulically ontrolled fork-lift truck attach'lents for all lift truck applicaohs.
Of particular interest to transart operators are spacial attchments for roll and bale andling as well as rotating roll lamps with either short or long rms, bale clamps, paper roll lamps, and bale clamps for unised pulp.
Where transport operators andle large quantities of the lore specialised products, use f these specilised attachments rill decrease loading time and linimise load damage.
Barlow Handling Group Ltd applies Hyster lift trucks. The Jrrent range comprises the hallenger with either diesel or ig power units and have a Inge from 9,072kg to 4,536kg !,000 lb to 15,000 lb) capacities rith either diesel or lpg power nits. Cushion tyres are fitted.
The electric Space Saver )nge is available in three-or )ur-wheel versions with pneulatic or cushion tyres. Capacies range from 907.2kg to ,536kg (2,000 lb to 10,000 lb). Barlow is also able to supply Saxby reach trucks from 907.2kg to 2,495kb (2,000 lb to 5,500 lb) capacities. Also available are powered pallet trucks of pedestrian and side on types of 1,587kg and 2,041kg (3,500 lb and 4,500 lb) capacities. Order pickers and tow tractors in the Saxby range have three-and tenton capacities.
Barlow's Hi-Racker narrow aisle storage and retrieval equipment, has been specifically developed for the modern high bay warehouse which utilises all available storage space.
Order/pallet picker models are available with capacities up to 1,701kg (3,750 lb) and lift heights up to 12.19m (40ft) in aisles as narrow as 1,321mm (52in).
Barlow Handling is also the UK distributor for the Nellen range of port and terminal equipment. Featured in the range are container carriers which stack containers up to 40ft in length, one over two with a maximum lifting capacity of 45 tonnes and mobile container handling dockside cranes up to 80 tonnes capacity.
Bowmaker (Plant) Ltd supplies caterpiller lift trucks within a range of 107.2k9 to 27,216kg (2,000 lb to 60,000 lb) capacities. The range is claimed to give the widest choice of lifttruck capacities available in the industry today.
Electrics in the range of 907.2kg to 4,536kg (2,000 lb to 10,000 lb) are also available. Diesel/lpg cushion tyre lift trucks are available in capacities from 1,361kg to 18,144kg (3,000 to 40,000 lb) and pneumatic tyred models 907.2kg to 27,216kg (2,000 to 60,000 lb) as Well as a wide variety of mast and forl options, to ensure maximun handling capabilities.
Clark International has intrc duced a new compact foul wheel 1 to 1.5 tonne capcit multi-tyre truck range which wi be known as the EM 10-1E series. This will succeed th Clark EC500 Y25/30 trucks.
New innovations in the EN series include a 24kW (48 vol. battery of smaller size, inductio type speed control, an SCR driv control with greater torqu
ange and hydrostatic power teering.
Coventry Climax has just aniounced a new Megadeal where hey are offering stock lift trucks it reduced prices. This camiaign is applicable to their twoonne reach, three-tonne diesel, our-tonne sideloader, as well as heir 1.2 and 3.5 tonne electric nodels.
For example a three-tonne dieel engined climax will be affered for sale at £9,860, a twoonne electric will cost £10,210 ind a four-tonne sideloader :16,810.
Coventry Climax claims that Ls prices represent a saving on ist price of between £3,380 and :5,600.
Danks of Netherton is well:nown for its range of explosion)roof lift equipment. This in:Ludes a straddle stacker, pallet ;tacker, counterbalance stacker ind pallet truck.
The EPSS15 straddle stacker las a capacity of 1,360kg (3,000 b) at 610mm (24 in) centre and s capable of moving palletised (Dads in a racked or free;landing warehouse to a height yf 4,570mm (180in).
The EPPS15 pallet stacker iSSS the same power unit as the Araddle stacker and has the ;ame capacity, but will lift to a teight of 3,658mm (12ft).
Danks' counterbalance stacker nodel EPCB10 is recommended or lorry off-loading or where here is restricted movement or iccess.
It has a capacity of 1,016kg 2,240 lb) at 610mm (24in) :entres, with a lift height of I.,570mm (180in). A light-duty version is available and this has a capacity of 508kg (1,120 lb).
The EPPT20C pallet truck is designed to meet the Ministry of Defence Category C degree of protection and IPP44. It has a capacity of 2,000kg (4,400 lb), full SCR Control and high manoeuvrability.
Danks also supplies a selection of Desta diesei-engined lift trucks with capacities from 1,600kg (3,527 lb) to 3,200kg (7,054.7 lb).
The standard lift trucks are supplied with a lift height of 3,300mm (130 in), load forks 1,200mm (47.3in) long, 125mm (4.93in) wide, complete with operator's weather protection canopy.
Eaton Ltd's Materials Handling Division produces a comprehensive range of electric, petrol, lpg and diesel fork-lift trucks, pedestrian controlled pallet and platform trucks, and narrow aisle trucks. Capacities range from 910kg (2,000 lb) for an MC20 pedestrial truck up to 7,500 kg (16,500Ib) for a GDP165H diesel-engined truck.
The high-capacity H-series of diesel-powered lift trucks are available in capacities of 5,000kg (11,000 lb), 6,300kg (14,000 'his), and 7,500kg (16,500 lb), hydrostatic power steering increases manoeuvrability, and the rugged articulated steel axle ensures four-wheel contact on uneven surfaces.
Self-energising self-adjusting brakes are fitted while hydraulic power transmission allows low and high forward and low and high reverse.
The latest additions to the Eaton Yale range are the low-cost Inflation Beaters. They are offered in capacities of up to 3,000kg (6,000 lb) in the electric range.
All Yale trucks of up to 3,000kg (6,000 lb) capacity can be fitted into the Yale high-visibility mast.
Yale trucks are sold, leased or rented through a national net o rk of sales and service centres. Driver training for any style or make of lift truck is offered at Yale's training centre at Wolverhampton.
Ekco Instruments Ltd of Southend-on-Sea, produces a weighing and "safe load" system for fork-lift trucks. It gives the driver a clear indication of weight immediately a toad is lifted. The weight is shown in either digital form or by analogue meter display.
An overload alarm lamp, a self
test facility, and a tare control 1 eliminate the weight of palle. and so forth are also incorpt rated in the display unit.
It is able to sense both Ica and load centre so that total tic ping movement affecting truc stability is measured.
For transport operator wanting to buy a guarantee used lift truck, FLH Forklift Hans ling Ltd is able to offer the mot popular twoand three-ton size of lift truck with electric, dies, and lpg power units in most the popular makes, togetl-e with the new range of Datsu fork lifts.
All trucks sold by FLH carry warranty period and cost bi tween a third and a half of ne• truck prices. The company offei lift trucks for hire as well as ft. repair and overhaul facilities.
Fiat fork-lift trucks can offer wide range of front-loadin! side-loading and reach trucl with capacities ranging fro/ 600kg (1,320 lb) to 50,000k (110,000 lb) and fitted with dh sal, petrol, lpg, and electr power units. Electronic spec control is fitted as standard.
Formula Trucks Ltd offers range of manually operate trucks, electrically-operate trucks, lift trucks with transver.5. seated driver, electric wart house trucks, and electric pall! trucks.
There are nearly 120 mode with capacities from 150kg (32 lb) to 3,000kg (6,614 lb) and Ii lengths from 1.1m (3.7ft) to 6i (19.7ft).
Combinations of most framE according to applications can made, as Mono, Duplex and Ti plex construction are availab providing considerable streng. and rigidity.
Hamech Ltd has acquired th design and manufacturing rigir for the Ransomes range t electric fork lift trucks and tra tors. Now known as Flame( Ransomes, the range of fou wheel electric fork trucks ar reach trucks have capacitic from 750kg (1,653 lb) to 4,000k (8,818 lb) which comply with z international safety standard The company also offers a lov profile range as well as heat. duty models with pneumat tyres.
For narrow aisles and higl density storage areas, reac trucks are available in capacitic from 1,250kg (275 lb) to 2,268k (5,000 lb).
Electric tractors complete th line up with a speed an manoeuvrability well-suited fl large warehouse and distrib tion depots. Low profile mode are also available.
Harnech also offers the Kelvin 3 nge of pedestrian counterbanice fork trucks, pedestrian and ide on top, platform trucks, ower pallet trucks and straddle tackers. These machines can be upplied with a wide range of ttachments.
All products can be hired, iased or purchased outright rid Hamech usually has a large election of refurbished fork licks and tractors for sale.
Hyster Europe Ltd has just inoduced their new J-range of neumatic tyred electric lift .ucks in the twoto three-tonne 3nge. These new lift trucks are esigned for rugged outdoor se and yet are very'reanoeuvra
le indoors. ..
Large pneumatic tyres are tted which make the trucks teal for rough surface and yard /ark. Uprights available are tandard and two stage-up to 89mm (216.7in).
Special lift length requirelents can be met by Hyster's pecial Products Division.
Other Hyster products are the hallenger range with capacities .om 1,000kg to 7,000kg (2,000lb, 5,0001b) and the electric range eith capacities from 100kg to 00kg (2,000 lb to 11,023 lb). hreeor four-wheel with ashion or pneumatic versions re also available.
Jungheinrich (GB) Ltd, reduce the Ameise range of iach trucks, reach fork lift .ucks, .pedestrian controlled lectric stackers, stackers with ansverse seats and electric pal
Ideal for the removal Indus-y is the Hyster Spacesaver 80 fitted fith cushion tyres and an engine. his model has a capacity of 4,000kg t818 lb) at a 500mm (19.7i4 load entre,
let trucks within an overall range of 800kg (1,763 lb) to 3,200kg (7,055 lb).
All models have electric motive power units and available, as applicable, with three or four wheels.
Kalmar LMV Forkirucks" products are within the threeto 42tonnes range. A range of attachments is available suitable for road transport and depot operations.
Free visibility lift masts with lift cylinders and chains positioned outside/rear of mast sections, give the operator excellent forward vision. All models are equipped with sideshift and fork positioning.
The large 12-1200 model is particularly suitable for handling 20ft and 40ft containers incluc ing reefers, stacking three con tainers high. This model is fitte with the Kalmar LMV telescopi side-frame attachment.
The company is able to offer specialist unit for stacking car tainers four high which can ir crease the storage capacity in a operator's yard by 30 per cent.
Kalmar claims that its heaviE capacity lift trucks are particL larly suitable for handling lade containers. A standard produc tion unit is offered which ca stack containers up to 35 tonne. three high.
Kelvin Engineerin! (Basingstoke} Ltd produces range of pedestrian-contralle, battery electric fork-lift truck with capacities from 340kg (75 lb) to 1,361kg (3,000 lb). Star dard lift is 4.27m (14ft) but triplelift is available up to 4.88n (16ft). Attachments available in dude jib, squeeze clamp, rotai ing lead and carpet boom.
Two models of pedestrian controlled stacker are availablE one with a 907kg (2,000 lb) cape city and the other 1,360kg (3,001 lb) capacity. Both are fitted witl a pallet-type straddle leg with range of fork widths and lengths Both models have a lift height ul to 3.66mm (12fth
For warehouse work. Kelvir produces tug units capable o towing two or three tons. pedestrian version is also avail able.
Completing the range is a one or two-ton capacity platforn truck in either pedestrian or ride on version. Kooi Aap produces a "forklift tat rides on the back of a lorry." his means that vehicle waiting me for unloading or loading is iinimised. It is powered by a iesel or petrol engine and hyrostatic transmission which takes it totally independent of te lorry.
A typical Kooi Aap can lift .500kg (3,307 lb) to a height of .540mm (8ft 10in), yet it can, arry its load through a 211mm (7ft 7in) doorway.
According to the manufacturrs, the unit can attach itself to Decial brackets fitted to an uthouse standard lorry in uner a minute.
Lancer Boss Ltd produces a Inge of around 72 basic models rith lifting capacities from ,000kg (4,409 lb) to 60 tonnes. hey can be broadly divided into ve categories: front-lift trucks, ide-lift trucks, container andlers (front-lift and side-lift) mpty container handlers, and ontainer stuffers.
A wide range of options is ffered including weather pro.3ction, free-lift masts, special andling attachments, lifting, xtra instrumentation, alternaye engines and specialised enineering adaptations.
A range of electric counterbaince three-wheel lift trucks with capacities of 1, 1.2, and 1.5 tons and four-wheel trucks of 2, 2.5 and 3-tons capacities is produced by Linde Hydraulics Ltd. They are claimed to have a performance comparable with ic trucks.
Also produced are a range o diesel, petrol, and lpg lift trucks.
Montgomerie Reid Ltd produces a range of reach trucks, the largest of which has a maximum lift of 2,250kg (4,960 lb) to over 5m (16.4ft) and the smallest 1,500kg (3,307 lb) lift to 3.3m (10.8ft). All models are fitted with powerful electric motor in wheel units and the largest (R4) has full power steering.
Also available is a range of three-wheel lift trucks with a maximum lift of one ton over 4.8m (16ft). All these models are capable of turning through a full 1800 lock and of making an immediate 900 turn whilst moving or from rest.
The company also produces four-wheel lift trucks with models rated at 1,750, 2,250 and 2,750kg (3,858, 4,960 and 6,063 lb) capacities. These are fitted with two electric motor units which are mounted centrally on helical/worm gearboxes directly over each rear wheel.
Still Materials Handling Ltd offer electric and diesel fork-lift trucks up to eight tonnes capacity, platform trucks up to two tonnes, tractors up to 20 tonnes, and pedestrian operated lift and pallet trucks.