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1ARP increases in fuel tax and hide excise duty are the main Ilmarks for road transport in is week's Budget. In his 88-minute...
HE FIRST TRIAL of the Road aulage Association's new ehicle and traffic information ervice began this month, entred on the...
THE INDUSTRY's immediate ri action to the Budget was one c disappointment. The increase i tax will help neither operator nor...
A FINAL decision on Stonefie Vehicles' future at last loo only days away. Receiver Bill Brownlie set deadline of midday on...
CM'S Fleet Management Conference, to be held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, on October 8, will be opened by Transport...
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CHANNEL TUNNEL should be built, and it should be large enough take lorries on piggyback trains, the House of Commons transin...
ANOTHER nine Liverpool are hauliers have signed compan wage agreements with th Transport and General Worker Union at - £83 for...
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE sale dropped last month from Feb ruary 1980's 25,938 to onl , 17,509. This 32.5 per cent fal meant the...
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MCISION on the Armitage Report must taken soon, Junior Transport Minister Ineth Clarke said last week. ;peaking to West...
ESPITE A total income of a'4.8m in 1980 Tate and Lyle ransport made a £0.2m loss for le year. In a report to all TLT emloyees,...
FIXED PENALTIES for certain traffic offences are planned by the Government to cut down on the number of cases handled by the...
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4ULIERS have been urged to fill their MPs' postbags with letters rout the Armitage Report before Transport Secretary Norman...
k new edition of the Trunk Road Vlap of Great Britain has been iublished by the Department of ransport. It shows all trunk oads...
THE ARMITAGE Report must bf accepted as a total package Freight Transport Associatior East Scotland chairman Afar Johnstone...
INDUSTRIAL TRAINING coul be - far less bureaucratic ar cheaper if it is run by industry a its own, according to an en ployment...
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lANSPORT is a people business and the most important people . e management, according to Sir Peter Abeles, deputy chairman id...
AN APPEAL to operators to make allowances for depreciation, even in a climate of ratecutting, was made this week by Road...
AN INITIAL £120,000 has bee spent by Containerbases Lti the nationwide group of inlan container ports, in equippin some of its...
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VIOST of the freight traffic Nithin the London area is not ;uitable for rail transport, British lail has told the House of...
THE NUMBER of commerci; road haulage units passin through the port of Dover i January was 10.89 per cer down on January of last...
EMERALD Containerline has a pointed Dart Containerline (I; land) Ltd as its operator in t Republic and Northern Ireland Dart...
ATLANTIC Container Line, the North Atlantic roll-on/roll-off operator, is increasing its container capacity on its Canadian...
DOUBTS OVER whether drivers employed by two associated fir might be breaking the law when working for one while being e played...
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WESTERN BRS has a new Swansea branch manager in Ron Bebbington. After. joining the company in 1973 as a distribution traffic...
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1ELL has specified Alcoa aluinium wheels for many of the Ihides ordered in the cornmy's C12m fleet investment °gramme. Claimed...
reflecting stud for delineating carriageways is to be marked by rismo Universal Ltd, part of the Redland group. Based at...
TI DIESELTUNE, the diesel diagnostics arm of TI Transport Equipment Ltd, has been accepted as an Associate Member...
TO HELP light cv operatoi control fuel costs Envirosystems have produce the Fuelstretcher Drive Comp ter. A purpose-designe...
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TECHNICAL Grp boxes clever LIAISON between Barking Vehicle Engineering Co Ltd and Star Aluminium Co Ltd has resulted in the...
A NEW computer-controlled inertia dynamometer which tests cv braking systems and friction materials has been installed by the...
NEW PRODUCTS to corn ment its range of service ti have been announced by Syl Pickavant Ltd. For Ford B-type ohc engii the SP...
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. VISITOR more used to commercial vehicle shows could be forgien for leaving this year's Geneva Motor Show (which closes on...
A SEVEN-PAGE booklet dealing with broken wheel studs, overtorquing, seating of wheels on brake drums or inner cones, loose...
A PORTABLE spraying unit dr signed for the smaller flee operator who cannot justify th expense of automatic vehicl washing...
AN AGREEMENT between Car Automotive Services and DA subsidiary Truckcare NV wg signed in Europe last month. The agreement...
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HE BUDGET's increases in fuel luty and vehicle excise duty ame as a shock to the coach nd bus industry this week. A spokesman...
INO is expected to make a ajor investment in New York :ate and is to supply buses for valuation to the New York . ansit...
insRKETING through vehicle dein and by professionals took the second session at the eds Symposium. Dgle designer Carl Olsen...
DESPITE the Transport Act increasing the need for some form of bonding on extended tour coach operators to protect the public,...
BUS HIRE and taxi operate Bains of Kemnay, Abe deenshire, are planning a si days-a-week express coach hr between Aberdeen and...
EXHIBITS emphasising the wide variety of psv models now avai able were on show at the CPT Trade Fair held at Wallace Arnold'...
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US PASSENGERS in Edinburgh get the best deal from their munipal bus service, according to Transport 2000, the public transport...
harmonise? 'HE DEMANDS which have to le met by British Rail and LonIon Transport are different, but here is still a need for...
FOUR DUNFERMLINE coach drivers who were made redundant when Rennie of Dunfermline Ltd decided to sell seven coaches have won...
takeover , THE 74-strong fleet of Whyte Airport Services has been i takf over by West London ;coat operator Garners Coaches....
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HE USE of lorry-mounted fling gear, similar to that of the avit vehicles collecting rubbish kips, is the key to a new-style...
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I - HE PUBLIC debate which the 4rmitage Report has triggered )ff clearly shows that the road transport industry in all aspects...
LAST NOVEMBER you printed our letter about our 16-ton Bedford which had a vibration problem, and correspondence still seems to...
MR STUBBS' letter (CM February 21) regarding ERF's lack of interest in a technical problem is typical of most vehicle...
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Be sure TRRL has a word for it 0 FAR I have found neither the me nor the courage to essay le epic report by the Transport id...
A BBC BEDFORD van on its wa . to record "Songs of Praise" a St Nicholas Church, Kenilworth was wise in its choice of M1 a...
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You're in the market for fork-lift or reach trucks. Problem is, which in a wide range is best suited for your operation? Brian...
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by Douglas Ainley IN AN important decision, RollsRoyce Limited v Walpole 1980, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has eased...
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MPLE operations can become ghly complex purely because their scale. Take the mail order business. hat could be simpler than...
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T HE NEW Seddon Atkinson 401 is based on one of the most successful British trucks ever produced. But in developing our new...
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Returning over 29mpg laden, Mitsubishi's 1,600cc van, with its triple-diamond logo, won't drink you dry. Tim Blakemore has a...
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pressure on manufacturers to cut noise levels and with oil companies beginning to degrade fuel, the time could be right for...