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Inquiry clears firm in dispute

15th August 1975
Page 5
Page 5, 15th August 1975 — Inquiry clears firm in dispute
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A SEARCHING inquiry by the East Midland Licensing Authority into the hours and records procedures employed by F. B. Atkins and Son Ltd— the Derby operator which has had parts of its operations blacked by the Transport and General Workers Union since April—has found no cause for prosecution. Allegations had been made during the dispute -in which Mr Alan Law, the TGWU's Midlands trade group officer is involved — that Atkins' drivers were working excessive hours.

Mr Michael Atkins, a director of the company, told CM this week that a letter from the LA's office, forwarded to the company by a local MP, said that the investigations "did not disclose evidence to support allegations that excessive hours were being worked." The LA would not be inStitutMg any prosecutions against