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Peak Hour Levy Planned To Cut Losses
A SURCHARGE of 5p on peak hour bus services in West Sussex is being considered following a meeting last week of the County Council's joint planning, roads and transportation......
Bus Chief's Dice With Bomb
BELFAST City bus chief Mr Werner Heubeck gambled with his life last week when he removed a suspected bomb from the rear of a bus in the centre of Belfast. The suspect parcel was......
Solving Strathclyde's Transport Problems
RAISING rush-hour bus and rail fares in the Strathclyde Region to increase income would increase the use of cars and cause congestion. The Scottish Association for Public......
Post Bus Plan Denied
A SUGGESTION that tl Government should direct ti Post Office to set up post bz schemes in joint ventures wi . other bodies was turned dom in the Commons. Mr Trevor Skeet (Tory,......