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Training Board 'reluctant Bureaucrats'?
Mr Richmond's letter (CM August 1) accurately reflects the Board's view about the usefulness of training, together with the Board's doubts about the all-or-nothing nature of......
Axle Alignment
Your article headed "Tech/rig lines up tyres for longer life" (CM July 25) quoted Mr G. Men, of Truck-Align Ltd, as saying that "both Silver Roadways Ltd and the London Brick......
More Positive
I am most grateful for the reporting and space which has been given to the Meoca proposals. Quite obviously the most contentious issue would he the publication of rakes which......
More Drivers' Hours
As a Class 3 hgv driver I feel that most UK drivers and a lot of transport firms are against EEC Regulation 543/69. Where has our true British spirit gone ? Everyone in road......
Real Economics
I am sure Mr Harvey (C August 8) does not really meat that he would like to see ' proper transport policy based on real economics, not the economics of the operator." Translated......