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Attention getters

15th August 1975, Page 54
15th August 1975
Page 54
Page 54, 15th August 1975 — Attention getters
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Do TV commercials persuade you Ito wear a safety belt ? The Transport and Road Research Laboratory has been trying to find 011it what types of safety propaganda are effective, and concludes that a straightforward presentation of facts but With an emotional content seems to be the most effective. And the " serious " presentations---for example involving horror, family responsilyility or a famous person—have greater effect than the satirical or humorous approaches.

In fact TRRL report 669 has a valuable motive which is a cut above some Of the fatuous research in which they indulge, but even so it is faintheartedly inconclusive, like so many of their reports. They seeni to allocate just enough money for a Jot of teams to get Started on a variety of research .items, but not enough to produce a really weighty document that is as sown up as a good commercial survey.