Taking your lorry abroad
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7: Italy continued from page 48 THE ANGLO-ITALIAN bilateral agreement is as yet unpublished and British operators can carry to, from or in transit through Italy or accept a return load from Italy either after they have dropped a load there or by entering the country with an empty vehicle. They may not engage in cabotage or third-country traffic. Permits are required for many operations in Italy and unlike most other European countries, this includes own-account operations. Again, for highly specialized or unlikely traffics such as airport goods, damaged vehicles, mail, high security loads, animal carcasses, refuse 9nd sewage, emergency services and funeral transport no permits are required.
Italian general quota permits are in short supply and are issued in December each year for the following year. Newcomers cannot be entertained unless the quota is to be increased or established operators do not take up their quota. In such circumstances, applications will be invited and intima:.on will be made in CM in good time before the end of the year. Since Italian-bound traffic will normally pass through France or Germany, applications for French or German permits will require to accompany the Italian application.
Italy operates a quota of permits for the carriage of livestock and for the moment there are sufficient permits to meet British needs, but the carriage of animals to or from sporting events or entertainments is quota free.
As with France and Germany, road/rail permits are readily available for operators whose vehicles are making a substantial part of their journey in Italy by means of one or other of the road/rail services. Details of the French Italian service which carries only unaccompanied trailers can be obtained from Novatrans (Europe) Ltd, Room 66/67 Albert Buildings, 49 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 4SB. Permit applications may also be obtained from this source. Details of the German Italian services which carry both accompanied or unaccompanied vehicles can be obtained from the German Federal Railway, 10 Old Bond Street, London W1X 4EN. There are restrictions on the movement of commercial vehicles in Italy on Sundays and on their numerous feast days, and details of these restrictions are obtainable from Ministero dei Transporti. Piazza della Croce Rossa 2, Rome, Italy.
Telephone Rome 4670, Telex 61089.
Apply to tobacconist
Long and wide loads require special permission before moving on Italian roads and a police escort must be applied for. Application for permission to move these loads must be made in person by the applicant or his representative. Written application can be made by the applicant's accredited agent on official stamped paper known as "Carta bollata". This costs 500 lira and is obtainable from any tobacconist's shop in Italy. Yes, that is correct, any tobacconistsl There are 1500 lira to the pound. A "Carta bollata" is required for each Italian province through which the vehicle will pass and it has to be sent to the Azienda Nazionale Autonoma Dello Strade E Statali (ANAS).
Having obtained a permit it must be handed to the police of the first district through which the lorry will pass two days before its arrival together with a deposit for the escort charges. This almost certainly means sending a representative well in advance to Italy to complete the formalities, which is perhaps preferable to the alternative of appointing a local agent. Reputable Italian contractors are prepared to act on behalf of British companies in these matters.
The important thing is to plan it well in advance. A circulation taxis levied on British operators in Italy with the amount varying according to the carrying capacity of the vehicle.