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Directors And Drivers Form Co-op After Wages Clash
by CM reporter A DIRECTOR of an oldestablished Cheshire transport firm and six of its drivers have got together to form a co-operative after the other directors closed down the......
Lorry Thefts Drop
A DECLINE of 121/2 per cent in the number of lorry thefts in London during the first nine months of 1974 compared with the same period last year is reported by the vehicle......
President's Prize For Top Routier Driver
A SPECIAL prize is being made by the President of France, M. Giscard D'Estaing, to the overall winner of the Routiers International heavy transport driving competition. The......
Ports Grab Pledge
A PLEDGE that the Government would implement its proposals to nationalise Britain's ports was renewed last week by Mr Fred Mulley, Minister for Transport. He said that the......