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On Charge With Kenlowe
The Kenlomain, a combined engine starter/ fastehargeri mains transformer from Kenlowe Accessories, can be used with a high output rate to start a cold engine or to provide a......
Off The Shelf Pto
A range of heavy-duty drive power takeoff units for side mounting on most popular British makes of gearbox is now available off-the-shelf from Edbro. Four basic types are......
Lectite Lubricant
The Douglas Kane Group has announced a range of aerosol lubricants from Loctite designed expressly for maintenance, repair and overhaul work. There are six lubricants, a welding......
'workshop Here'
Fonadek International has recognized that head-sets restrict movement and that precise volume control is most desirable. As a result the new Fonadek, which costs £2.50 less than......