Scrap ban
Page 20

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THE Freight Transport Associ, tion has now lodged its form objection to the proposed ba on the movement of gooc vehicles exceeding three tor unladen weight through the IN roughs of Enfield and Barnet
The ban would affect local ii dustry, the natural re-routeing through traffic, and may ultimi tely lead to selective lorry cot trols, says FTA. According to th Association, experience shovl that a natural re-routeing through vehicles takes plac when alternative by-passes c motorways become available.
As an example, ETA cites th A2 by-pass which was opened t skirt the Kent villages of Dunkirl Boughton and Bridge which no+ have a 95 per cent decrease i the lorries passing through.
The area affected by the prc posed Enfield/Barnet ban is boi dered in the north by the M2I. the west by the Al, the east b the A10, and in the south by th North Circular Road.