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THE ARMITAGE REPORT will soon be on the Minister of Transport's desk. The contents, as yet still confidential, are of paramount...
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; THE UK 'commercial vehicle arket suffers heavy redundanm and short-time working, °visional estimates from the rpartment of...
THE YORK and District Regional Joint Council has signed an agreement with the Transport and General Workers' Union for next...
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NATIONAL TYPE approval for goods vehicles will become compulsory for vehicles manufactured on or after July 1, 1982, and first...
vampires OUR MOTORWAYS are bei maintained at the expense the rest of our trunk ro system, claims the British Re Federation....
THE "ALTERNATIVE" motor show — the London Motorfair — is to be revived again and goes ahead next year. Organised by private...
Fletcher, speaking in the House A CRUMB of hope has been thrown to the ailing Scottish go ai where vehicle builder Stonefield...
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1E Association of Metropolitan AuthoriIs has published its controversial road id rail freight report, but it does not have e...
doing well ESPITE a depressed domestic iarket, Britain's commercial ehicle manufacturers are 'ming in a good export...
HEALTHY home and export sales have been reported by MAN and the German lorry and bus manufacturer has plans to boost output...
TRUE HE WAS educated at an ancient school and at Cambridge. Certainly he held a commission in the Army. But Norman Fowler has...
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We have 75 years of axle experience that's ready to go to work in your trucks experience that's made us the number one producer...
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THE AVERAGE lorry loac moving through the Port ol Dover is increasing, according tc the Dover Harbour Board. While the numbers...
SCOTTORN Trailers Ltd have introduced a 3.54-tonne (3½ ton) semitrailer for use with Land-Rovers. The semi-trailer is fitted...
JNITED Glass Containers has cquired Robson's Border • ransport, the Carlisle general aulage and warehousing busieSS. Robson's...
THE GOVERNMENT hopes to re ceive substantive proposals fo a Channel Tunnel, includini financial details, by the end o the...
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THE THAMES Valley Owner Drivers' Association and the British Association of Owner Drivers intend to go ahead with proposals to...
THE EXPRESS van services of the Concorde Transport Company is being acquired by Carryfast International Ltd, part of the SPD...
A NEW functional group for airfreight carriers has been set up by the Road Haulage Association. Membership of the new group is...
THE Freight Transport Associ, tion has now lodged its form objection to the proposed ba on the movement of gooc vehicles...
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A DRIVER who was temporarily unable to work following injuries sustained at work had not been unfairly selected for redundancy,...
MANAGERS involved in the specialised field of distribution to the agricultural industry are most likely to benefit from a...
REJECTING a claim for compen sation for unfair dismissal b . driver/warehouseman G. A Reavley, a Birmingham Indust rial...
HONDA (UK) LTD is planning recall of Honda Acty TN van: and pickups due to suspectec possible steering or electrica faults....
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kDCLIFFE Engineering Ltd, of Coleorton, Leicestershire, has developed a low-cost demountable body system for commercial...
RATCLIFF Tail Lifts Ltd has supplied a cleardeck tail lift to Marshall Hire, part of Marshall (Cambridge) Ltd, for its first...
ORDERS worth nearly Om have been announced by ERF to supply vehicles to South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Part of the South...
MOTIL, a medium-duty utility truck, has been introduced by Johnson Construction Machinery Ltd of Stockport. It is powered by...
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kT THE VBRA (Vehicle Builders and Repairers) conference and exhi)ition last week, York revealed three new products. The first...
NORKING to Lucas specificaions, Wilsdon & Co Ltd of Soliiull has been responsible for the )reparation of 100 prototype 3edford...
MAN-VW is to extend its Truck rescue package offered on its range of HT MAN vehicles. The scheme, which already offers free...
A LOWER-PRICED Cournil four wheel drive vehicle with a one ton capacity has been intro duced by TAG Vehicles of Croy don. For...
SEDDON Atkinson's first 40' production model left thi Oldham plant assembly line cm November 5, two months befon the first...
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PROPRIETOR of the Whittle Coach and Travel Group, Ron Whittle has been elected president of the Confederation of British Road...
Scotland: M8. At Strathclyde, the westbound carriageway is closed for one and a half miles, west of St James Interchange,...
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kIMLER-BENZ is to extend its research facilities with the construcan of a driving simulator which will cost around Om....
'art of DAF's policy of compoit standardisation, the new eel will be produced to cornwith the European standard eel so making...
FOURTEEN trailers with automatic coupling — six Fleetline boxvans and eight flat platforms — have recently been supplied to...
AS PART of an overall component rationalisation plan, Leyland Vehicles are to transfer production of the 11and 13-ton hub...
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THE RESULTS of a fleet check following a fatal accident involving a vehicle operated by E. J. Middleton (Rugeley) Ltd, led to...
THE TRANSPORT Minister k overturned a West Midlam Traffic Commissioner's decisic to refuse an application for a p: licence on a...
THE SAME problems facing other undertakings in the country E among the reasons why the Tayside Regional Council has atm doned...
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1HE LAST of three mini coach shows was held at Wembley last fveek when coach operators from the South of England had a :hence...
COTTISH car ferry operator Cadonian Macbrayne has reiced the charges for coaches sing its car ferries to the ,estern Isles....
METROPOLITAN Police Coacl Advisory Service officers are up dating their leaflet informin! coach operators and drivers oi...
GERMAN manufacturer MAN is setting up a plant to build articulated buses in America. The company is investing DM20m (£4.4m) in...
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Ramblers lose their way the Council for the Preservaon of Rural England and the amblers' Association will allow lemselves to...
OUR report on VBRA (Noamber 8) includes a reference transport minister Norman awler's intention to attend the olihull...
THE TERM "inadequate maintenance" keeps popping up, revealing the cost and penalty to the coach operator, road haulier and the...
I WOULD BRING to your attention that the road test findings for the Foden Fleetmaster 4x2 tractive unit (CM, October 25) quotes...
MY COMPANY bought six new refrigerated Magirus Deutz 7.9 from Wembley Commercials between November 1979 and February 1980....
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HE MOST eagerly awaited secion in the soon-to-be published 1rmitage Report is the commitee's recommendations on lorry veights....
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SWEDEN has earned itself a reputation for leading the world in vehicle safety standards. How . appropriate then that at a time...
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FO THE casual observer, the 40onne tractive unit and trailer vill be almost indistinguishable rom the 32-tonners currently in...
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v1EMORIES of bygone licensing :ases were stirred when I read in rhe Daily Telegraph of the retirenent of Judge Edgar Fay, one...
[WIN BROTHERS — both bacheors of science and doctors of hilasophy — who were awarded the Leyland President's 2 rize for the...
GREATER Manchester Transport is so highly organised that even accidents are planned to save the ratepayers money. For instance,...
AUSTRALIA is a place of great distances where large operators take owner-driver hauliers for long rides. Volvo's journal I Roll...
ONLY a lunatic, one might think would respond to an advert say ing: "Industrial Property Avail able — One-acre plant sites to...
I AM indebted to Mass Trans, for another stimulating item. Mexico City is the victim o macrocephaly, a conditior (similar to...
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ON JANUARY 1 1981 the regulations governing drivers' hours of work will be brought into line with the EEC countries' law. The...
animal from farms to local markets an, vice versa; (9) Transport of animal car casses and unprepared fish; (10) Transport of...
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+IVEILED at MIRA a few weeks o by Transport Minister Nor3n Fowler, the safety artic3ted vehicle (SAV) is not so Jch a new...
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by Douglas Ainley THE Draft Code of Practice stresses that the police are not there to judge the merits of any trade dispute....
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While some may feel like aiming a full-tilt 40-tonner at Transport 2000's HQ, John Durant's been taking a cool look at its side...
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THE CAMPAIGN Against the Lorry Menace wants Britain to reject higher weight limits, and proposes six-monthly vehicle...
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by Michael Mills ACTORING provides funds for torking capital. Whether these ,Inds are enough to meet all forking capital...
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HOUGH in recent years dynelos have been produced with a reater output in relation to their ize, there is a limit to what can e...