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fees found in e whole fleet

15th September 1978
Page 19
Page 19, 15th September 1978 — fees found in e whole fleet
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ASMODIC arrangements for the maintenance of the ides operated by Webb's Light Transport, Mossley, , resulted in all being found to have defects.

too serious a lapse for a warning, said North Western . Lebin at Manchester on Monday when he suspended e firm's vehicles for three months.

ve icle examiner, Mr J. )w, said that after two of ve ides received GV9 Libi ions in May, one of th as immediate, an in:ti n of the remaining cle were ordered.

' t ese, one was in a ge ous condition with rk loose and defective es nd another received a Ye prohibition and the 1 a efect notice. Graham Webb, the proprietor, who told of the result, said his drivers examined and serviced their vehicles each weekend. No records were available, but he said the vehicles went to a commercial garage at regular intervals.

In evidence, Mr Webb said the garage did carry out inspections as well as repairs, and he had now arranged for an RHA inspection course to be filled in.

There would be regular inspection at intervals of six weeks or 3,000 miles, whichever was the sooner. The drivers had also been instructed to tighten up on defect reporting.

Asked by John Backhouse, for the firm, to give a warning in view of a previous good record, Mr Lebin said he could not overlook the fact that all five vehicles had been found defective, although he accepted that arrangements had now been made which should prevent any future recurrence.