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The appointment of R.L.E. Lawrence to replace Sir Daniel Pettit as chairman of the National Freight Corporation is one of the...
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YERS of vehicles are ig for after sales service technical advice," said n's joint managing direc)avid Foden this week, the...
ARLIAMENTARY report mmending that the inter m the capital debt of the onal Bus Company should )aid by grant from the ernment...
IT IS NOW certain that the Government has approved the deal that would give the French Peugeot/Citroen combine control of...
BETTER quality food and more value for money and higher standards are something that drivers have a right to expect from...
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CONFEDERATION of British Passenger Transport president Ralph Bennett has asked Home Secretary Merlyn Rees to change the law so...
The commercial vehicle market will show a two to three per cent growth from now on according to Sir Terence Beckett, chairman...
TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers had what was described as "a useful and friendly contact" with French transport minister...
CHARGES of threatenini future of post buses have rebutted by Strathc Regional Council highl and transportation comm chairman...
BRITAIN'S top bus driver be chosen on Sunday at finals of the Bus Driver of Year Competition at Road Transport Indu Training...
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DEPARTMENT of isp rt has shelved plans to 1 a ection of the M23 from ile to Mitcham, south 10 London. it n order to cancel the...
BRITAIN'S team for the International Driving Championships in Brussels is due to leave from Wembley on October 26 for the...
COURT ACTION by industry associations has failed to stop the Windsor coroon lorry route scheme going into operation — and a...
CMs news reception service is now open 24 hours a day seven days a week. News stories can be telephoned to the newsdesk on...
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ASMODIC arrangements for the maintenance of the ides operated by Webb's Light Transport, Mossley, , resulted in all being found...
THE RECENTLY introduced Dodge G13 fire tender chassis is on public show for the first time at the Fire Fighting and Prevention...
Luc ion of commercial vehicles was at its lowest since June during August, with only 20,600 vehicles being produced in in...
CM publishing director John Crookshank presents the winner's silver salver for Class A, the light vehicles division, to Courier...
The first ro-ro freight ferry service has been established between the Isle of Man and mainland Britain. Manx Line began the...
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MERCEDES-Benz proposes to Introduce its transport consultancy service to the UK at the 1978 International Motor Show. Called...
Lame Harbour's second two-tier ferry ramp is now bel built. Part of a £.3.5m EEC-funded development at the port, II due for...
NEW roads in Hull would reduce vehicle operating costs and cut congestion, says a new report out this week from the Transport...
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SALS to extend the f notifiable illnesses y working conditions en published by the and Safety Commis is to enable prompt acto...
IGHTLINERS have ced their rate for goods Britain to West Gery by up to 20 per cent. ; British agent for Inter,ainer, it is...
A NEW consultative document that outlines proposals for regulations covering the use of lead at work has been published by the...
Bypass inquiry A public inquiry will be held next year to investigate proposals for the Okehampton Bypass and A30 diversion....
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THE TRANSPORT Der ment has issued a new li appreved tachograph cal tion centres. Additions to the list, u is constantly...
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YNOLDS Boughton is to .oduce a 5-tonne-gross 4x4 iicle intended to meet both ilian and military requirents. he RB 44 offers a...
THE FUTURE for further substantial development of the diesel engine is bright, according to William Schwab, vicepresident of...
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COACHWORK Conversions Ltd of Colne, Lanes, has built its first Luton body on the recently introduced Datsun Cabstar chassis...
or ssurised air vessels, pi valves or connections is a able in pressurised cans Gatec Trading Ltd, Hont London. The ingredient...
Shipped in ckd form mounting on a Japa Mitsubishi Fuso T800 chassis, Whale's dro demountable vacuum ta is one of two units...
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E • PEARANCE of large a s of articulated buses the roads of Britain should se o problems for drivers o er than the physical al...
CE SIOR Holidays of trn mouth have taken dery i f the first 1979 model to Supreme coach. he new Plaxton design :ur s square...
OVER the past three years about £750,000 has been saved in public transport subsidies throughout Tayside. The regional...
BUSES and coaches will be, affected if proposals for increased tolls on the Milford Haven Bridge are implemented. The present...
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titiACH operators may now send out Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport circulars to customers, explaining the...
THE FUTURE of coach parking around Oxford's Gloucester Green is being considered by the city council. A discussion document...
CROSVILLE Motor Services is testing a Timtronic ticket machine on one-man operated buses around Denbigh. The National Bus...
WORK BEGINS tomorroi National Bus's latest app tion of its market analysi services in South Buckii amshire. Most local and I(...
AN APPEAL against a Traffic Commissioners' decision by a single-bus touring company has been turned down by the Transport...
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azard tests tVe:Zve :W RULES aimed at proving the safety of hic s carrying hazardous ids made their debut last ek n the wake of...
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Health and safety ....among drive COMMERCIAL transport drivers are no strangers to traffic laws and regulations. No one can...
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mariice I, too, was interested in the article by Noel Miller, "Motorway drivers must give and take' and the subsequent...
Having read over the past weeks the arguments for and against the 450km limit, one obvious point appears to have been...
After reading your News Extra (August 18), I would like to pass a few comments. Mr Meacher is quoted as saying Japanese Hino...
* Id I read with interest the comments of Seddon Atkinson and Foden about the supposed Japanese invasion through Harris...
KW Reference the article by Les Oldridge ("Know the Law", August 11). I am somewhat concerned that this article, whose very...
Congratulations for orgal the Livery Competitior although we were clisappi not to be the winner, L Biscuits were pleased to...
616 I note that Bedford is my! by the fault that has appea Scottish ambulances and (CM, August 4) no wheels fallen off any...
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Road Haulage Association area secretaries deserve the tribute from their chairman, John Silbermann, on the increase in...
Drive up and down motorways for long enough and you could probably furnish half your house. Electric cookers, washing machines,...
The Port of London Authority plans, with a Government grant of up to £35 million, to give the port stable sociable future", the...
"A levy on all employees based on a percentage of the total wages bill" is a possible way of financing bus services, according...
Kowloon Motor Bus Co of Hong Kong has now ordered another 152 modified Guy Victory buses from Leyland in Britain. This is the...
Although this is the age of the whizz-kid, Ted Wall, the new managing director and chief executive, Iran, of National Freight...
If you become restless, lose your appetite, grumble, r around and butt people with your head, you may be suffe from an ulcer....
Harry Cawthorne, chairmai Majestic Motors, of Darton, Barnsley, who, as Cornme Motor reported on July 2f retiring to...
"The sun shone for Elijah [ lor, of Midlands British R Services Ltd.] . . . when Daniel Pettit proved his cour and in front of...
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by Noel Millier THOUGH much has been d r cently about the proSet f operating articulated SOS in Britain, no one has im ci...
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by James Boyd WE ALL have nightmares. Coach operators have more than their fair share. A fatal accident to a passenger; even...
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MOST MACHINES inviting you to check your weight have sometimes a depressing chart telling you what you ought to weigh as...
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ONE WAY to save fuel is for the operator to be provided with the best equipment for his particular type of operation. And as...
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THE POTENTIAL for cooperation between ownaccount operations is very great, Peter Land told the conference. So far, he said,...
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E ORNING session was ug t to a close with short ler on the Certificate of ife sional Competence th epresentatives from th he...
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THE FOSTER Committee, set up last December, has to consider the effectiveness of operators' licensing and recommend any needed...
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lealth and safety y Les Oldridge, TEng :El) MIMI, AMIRTE Employers' responsibility HE Health and Safety at fork etc Act 1974...
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Health and safety ...In the workslh IT MUST BE the declared policy of any company to take all reasonable and practical steps...
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for many operators. That day it becomes legally necessary for employers to appoint safety representatives if requested to do so...
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[I Fire hazards: Repairs to petrol engined vehicles; bat charging; fuel pumps. E Fire precautions: fire extinguishers; fire...
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Thard Lawrence has taken er from Charles Williams as neral manager of Tate & le transport contracts divin. die was previously...
West divisional manager has joined Midland Red's headquarters staff as company staff officer designate. He has been replaced in...