Mr. S. J. B. Skyrme, general manager )f Southdown Motor
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Services'Ltd,, has yen appointed a director of London 2oastal Coaches Ltd., replacing Mr. E. L. raylor, who has resigned upon his retirenent from active business.
Included in the officers elected for 1965-66 for the Midland section of the :nstitute of Transport were Mr. J. N. Robinson, chairman; Mr. J. L. Austin, mmediate past-chairman, and Mr. E R.
Mr. Peter Collins has been appointed -nanager of public relations for Chrysler International, the Geneva-based cornany responsible for marketing Chrysler Iroducts in all countries of the world !xcept USA and Canada.
The Minister of Transport has tPPointed Cur. T. Andrews as a member if the Transport Users' Consultative .7.'ommittee for the North Eastern area.
Mr. G. S. Taylor, at present district ngineering superintendent of Northern 3eneral Transport Co. Ltd., has been tppointed assistant engineer of North Western Road Car Co. Ltd., in succes;ion to Mr. C. E. Clubb, who, as prepiously announced, has taken up the ippointment as chief engineer of Alderhot and District Traction Co. Ltd. Mr. Faylor will take up his appointment on 'tine 1.
Mr. Stuart J. Hawes is to join Tuffnells )f Sheffield, the express parcels and rorage and distribution contractors, as hrector and general manager. Mr. -lawes was formerly general manager of he storage and distribution division of -Jaen Silbermann Ltd.. of London.
Miss Lynn Jefferson has been ppointed sales representative of Florida kuto Lamps, covering the Surrey and ussex areas, and Mr. Barry Leigh repreentative for south-east London and :ent.
At the 50th annual general meeting of the National Federation of Vehicle Trades last week, Mr. R. E. Sugden, director and general manager of Eastern Coach Works Ltd. was elected president in succession to Mr. C. J. Calderwood, formerly chairman of Spurting Motor Bodies Ltd. Mr. E. R. Fox, director of Vanden Plas (England) 1923 Ltd., and Mr. W. E. Dodsworth, director and works manager of Park Royal Vehicles Ltd., were elected vice-presidents. Mr. J. S. Bristow, joint managing director of Glover, Webb and Liversedge Ltd., was elected honorary treasurer.
Whets Mr. T. W. Skinner, general manager of Cumberland Motor Services Ltd., takes up his appointment as general manager of Eastern Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd., on June 1, he will be succeeded by Mr. Ian Campbell, at present chief engineer with United Automobile Services Ltd. at Darlington.
Mr. C. B. Barratt has accepted the nonexecutive office of chairman of the board of Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson Ltd., but remains an executive officer.
The three engineering departments-mechanical (rail and road) and civil—of Coras lompair Eireann are now responsible to a separate deputy general manager (engineering) and Mr. Lucas Collins has been appointed to this new post. He joined CIE as mechanical engineer in 1954, and he will be responsible also for technical engineering research.
Mr. K. H. Wellman, at present traffic manager of United Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd., has been appointed traffic manager of Bristol Omnibus Co. Ltd. and its associates with effect from May I.
Mr. W. T. Henshall, secretary of ERE' Ltd. since he joined the company in 1936, will retire at the end of May. Mr. S. M. Mallinson, who has been with ERF for four years as chief accountant, took over as secretary from April 1.
Mr. David Spencer has been appointed group publicity manager of Charles Churchill Ltd., Birmingham. Mr. Spencer, a qualified engineer, was previously with Leyland Motors Ltd. for five years.
Mr. H. J. Griffiths has retired as a director and chief eng;neer of the British School of Motoring.
Mr. Charles Lean has been appointed sales representative covering national accounts and original equipment of Crosland Filters Ltd., a member of the Simms Group.
Mr. Jack Flattery has been appointed sales manager of Speedwell Gearcase Co. Ltd., of Birmingham and Coventry.
Mr. J. E. Cooke has been appointed chief designer at the Preston factory of the Atkinson Vehicles group and Mi. J. D. Winter fills the new post of experimental engineer. Mr. Cooke, who is 44, has been assistant chief designer since 1963. He served many years with Leyland Motors Lid and was senior designer when he left that company to join Atkinson in 1956 in the same capacity. Mr. Winter, 43, also spent the early part of his career at Leyland MotorS., working first on engine design, then on vehicle chassis and tank development, and later on design on a series of special projects. He joined Atkinson in 1954 as assistant to the chief designer and engineer at Preston, and became chief designer in 1956.
Mr. Cyril G. Charlish has been appointed general sales manager of Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd.. and Mr. R. P. Roche manufacturers sales manager.
Mr. A. E. L. Collins, managing director of Ashok Leyland Ltd., Leyland Motors' Indian associate company, has retired as managing director after a term of nearly II years. He has been retained as technical consultant for India and Ceylon by the Leyland Motor Corporation.
Mr. F. J. Gill, technical supervisor, chassis lubrication department of Tecatema (Engineering) Ltd., is to retire on May 31 from the company after 36 years' service. He will be succeeded by Mr. C. B. Grigoli, who has assisted him on various matters for the past 14 years.
Mr. D. M. (Dick) Unwin, for the past 15 years fleet sales manager of Vauxhall Motors Ltd., has been appointed fleet sales manager of the Spurling Group.
Mr. S. H. Sanderson has been appointed chief motor engineer of the Sun Alliance Insurance Group.